Combines multiple ImHex hexpat files into one, useful for folder structured hexpats that you want to upload to the ImHex-Patterns repo.
I don't code C# so I have barely any idea what I'm doing.
HexpatCombiner.exe {string filePath} {bool addCombinationComment}
addCombinationComment prevents HexpatCombiner from adding this to the start:
and this to the end:
To import a file, use combine
ex: combine "./packets/C2S/requestWorldData.hexpat";
To name the uncombined file, add this into the files you want to combine into the main one:
#pragma combinerName {name}
ex: #pragma combinerName requestWorldData
Note: Don't add this pragma into the main file where all the imports are.
Also note: I may be using pragma wrong or something IDK much about C syntax n stuff.