A Discord bot written in Python using Discord.py. Originally created for some fun custom commands for the gaming community The Never Ending GAF, but since has been developed with multi-server support for all of it's tools.
- Customisable prefix
- Per-guild enable/disable modules
- Logging system for when a user joins, leaves, gets bans or unbanned from a server
Rolestate saves the users roles when they leave the guild so people do not have to have all their roles re-added upon joining again. it also prevents leaving and joining again to circumvent a mute.
Set a list of roles that users can select to give themselves via either straight commands or a custom role reaction menu. Allows users to select the roles they want from an interative page.
Prevent people from sending invites in channels unless you select a bypass
- Kicking/Banning
- xBanning (Banning a user who is not in the server by ID)
- Message purging (With ability to limit to only purging one users messages)
- Set a mute role and mute and unmute via the bot
- Search Spotify from Discord!
- Get a random playlist
- Get the days playlists
- Get information about a user
- Get information about a guild
- Find out who a user is from their ID
- Get an enlarged picture of someones avatar
- Press F to pay respects
- Get a random famous quote
- Select something randomly from a given list
I run the bot with very little downtime, and you're free to invite it. If you really do want to host it yourself, it's an open source project, but I wrote it for myself and my friends, so it's poorly documented for anyone trying to set it up, because it's always me doing it.
- Vinlock for helping me get my original VPS up for this the very first time
- Rory, for teaching me to teach myself
- Mave, for shouting at me in broken English until I improved
- Laura, for shotuing at me in not broken English until I improved
- Avaren, for making that PR one time when I forgot to add the permissions checks to the ban command, didn't test, pushed to production and got in the car to go on holiday. Yeah, that was a fun day when everyone could ban anyone. Also for calling me an idiot, and pushing me to work on stuff