Releases: DiamondLightSource/Savu
Releases · DiamondLightSource/Savu
Savu Version 4.2
- Statistics class:
- Stats relating to the data calculated alongside each plugin.
- Can be accessed in Savu for use in plugins.
- Collated and saved as a table, graphs and a .h5 file for inspection after a run (found in the 'stats' folder).
- Use option
and parse argumentson
to set stats on or off for a run (on by defualt). - MinAndMax plugin is now deprecated (use statistics class instead).
- Iterative plugins (A capability to enable some plugins to be iterative):
command to enable control over iterative plugins (seeiterate -h
for help)
Existing Plugins
- For the case of
creating an output dataset that
contains the shifted projections, preview information about this dataset
is provided to the experimental metadata.
- Modify vo_centering to enable its use in the iterative alignment
implementation which shifts the projections.
- A sub-pixel misalignment simulation for projections from TomoPhantom
- Various Tomoloader fixes. Closing of the linked nxs file with MPI fixed.
- AstraReconGPU, 3D GPU methods are added (BP3D_CUDA, CGLS3D_CUDA, SIRT3D_CUDA)
- FBP3D_CUDA method added (filtering before backprojection with BP3D_CUDA)
- ForwardProjector works with the 3D geometry
- 3D geometries can accept metadata for x-y shifts and correct the misalignment
- ToMoBAR (3d version) has got different methods (FBP3D, CGLS3D, FISTA3D) working well with iterative alignment
- GPU memory usage check for tomobar_recon_3D plugin to avoid CUDA error
- tomobar_recon_3D access to regularisation using Wavelets, try set regularisation method e.g. to 'PD_TV_WAVELETS'
- SWLS, PWLS methods for data fidelities are enabled in tomobar_recon_3D
- GPU device indices are controlled through ToMoBAR iterative methods and regularisation
- GPU memory usage check for ccpi_denoising_gpu_3D plugin to avoid CUDA error
- DezingerSinogram changed to utilise new statistics class.
- DownsampleFiler changed to utilise new statistics class.
- ImageSaver changed to utilise new statistics class.
New plugins
- projection_2d_alignment - works with 2 sets of 3D projection data by comparing projection images and estimating vertical-horizontal shifts in data. The vector shifts then stored in experimental data to be used later in 3D vector geometry.
- wavelet_denoising_gpu - a GPU plugin for denoising using Wavelets. Highly optimised for GPU performance.
- phase_unwrapping - a plugin for unwrapping phase-retrieved images
- 360_centering - a plugin to calculate centre of rotation.
Updated and new packages as dependencies
- A new pypwt GPU wavelet package added through Jenkins build and savu-dep channel
- ToMoBAR and TomoPhantom packages have been updated
- Allow a list as a single dimension input to the preview parameter
- Allow a start keyword inside the preview parameter
- Allow a parameter to be a directory path within the Savu folder
- Asterix line added to indicate the start and end of the process list
- Line separator added to indicate an iterative plugin loop
- Include a link to relevant online plugin guides
- Warning added when loading plugins from a user directory
- First dataset passed by default to the next plugin
New Commands
- savu_mod - a way to modify one parameter present in a plugin list.
- mod -g parameter - a way to modify a parameter in the process list globally (for all plugins)
- Plugin API moved to dropdown boxes on every plugin documentation page
- Plugin template links updated
- Video demos added
- res_norm bug when using AstaReconGPU with CGLS_CUDA
- Fix indentation for the plugin_generator command
- Allow saving to inner plugin directories when using the plugin_generator command
- Plugin number and order error fixed
- The test dataset 24737.nxs has been changed to tomo-standard.nxs
- The synthetic test data has been added
- Environment variable type is replaced with GPUarch_nodes
- savu_mod - Modify one parameter present in a plugin list.
- Save the job command to a log file
- Save the directory the command was run to a log file
Version 4.0
Core Updates:
- Adds the PluginTools base class from which all * files inherit
- Contains 3 classes
- PluginParameters
- Separates all parameter methods from
- Performs checks on parameter definitions
- Organises parameters with dependencies
- PluginCitations
- Performs citation information handling
- PluginDocumentation
- PluginParameters
- Contains 3 classes
- Automatically outputs all citations to citations.txt in output folder
- Outputs Savu exceptions to the user log
- Fixes bug in data padding when step > 1
- Updates inheritance of slice list classes
Plugin Updates:
- Splits plugins into processing and "tools" (parameter and citation) parts
- Adds a * file for every plugin
- Updates parameter definitions for all plugins
- Adds citations for regularisation methods
- Updates LFOVLoader and ImageStitching plugins
- Fixes convert360180sinogram
- Adds extra options to downsample_filter plugin
- Cleans out unused plugins into unregistered folder
- Fixes a bug in MinAndMax plugin
- Adds pattern checking to ImageSaver
Configurator Updates:
- Adds new class
- Performs type checks on all parameters set in the configurator
- Checks for all basic types, e.g, int, float, bool, filepath
- Checks for complex types, e.g. list combinations, dictionaries, preview
- Hides obsolete parameters for a fixed dependency
- Fixes the order of plugin parameters
- Adds visibility levels of basic, intermediate, advanced
- Adds option to view only dataset fields
- Adds cite command
- Adds options list
- Adds expand command for simplified previewing notation
- Saves plugin citations to process list nexus file
Documentation Updates:
- Sphinx and rst updates
- Savu logo and reference fixes
- Ports Savu confluence pages to docs
- Adds example plugin templates
- Fixes plugin API
- Updates installation information
- Adds citation information
- New pages on how to develop a plugin and define parameters
Other Updates:
- Adds savu-lite installation for PC
- A more flexible and accelerated installer for Savu HPC
- Ports continuous integration tests to Github Actions
- Fixes Savu profiler
- Fixes Savu citation extractor
- Adds webhooks/event manager to Github repo for better coding practices
- Expands test coverage of plugins
- Local Jenkins server utilised to speed up the release process:
- A new fully automated software release system for Savu using Jenkins server
- Nightly builds for dependencies
- Nightly builds for Savu-lite using pre-built dependencies
- Bash scripts to automatically update packages in conda environment
- Semi-automated process of updating packages in Savu HPC installation
New Plugins Added:
- filters:
- inpainting:
- inpainting:
- reconstructions:
- projectors:
- projectors:
Version 3.0
Core updates:
- Ports Savu to Python 3
- Fixes dosna transport
- Restructures experiment collection and plugin runner to reduce the number of plugin load repetitions
- Fixes 4D processing problems, including chunks not set
- Fixes incorrect dimension error when fixing nFrames to be an integer
- Fixes error in choosing first slice dimension
- Fixes incorrect nxentry group name
- Adds VOLUME_3D pattern
- Adds sinomovie pattern
- Fixes volume patterns for data with no y axis (single entry)
- Adds option to "getall" of a pattern of lower dimensions than the one requested
Plugin updates:
- First data simulation plugin via TomoPhantom integration
- Faster Astra toolbox reconstruction using vector geometry
- GPU implementations of median_filter and dezinger plugins
- Large field of view experiment integration
- Improves MinAndMax plugin used for ImageSaver
- Improves ImageSaver: save 8-bit, 16-bit tiff; manually select global min-max
- Fixes DarkFlatFieldCorrection SINOGRAM processing
- Updates the Fresnel filter for projection or sinogram processing
- Adds novel modifications to tomobar plugins fully based on vector Astra geometry
- Fixes error in base_recon when previewing reconstruction methods
- Mrc loader update
- Fixes nxtomo_loader not using image_key_path parameter
- Allows user to set a value of the outer circle mask in both Tomopy_recon and Astra_recon
- Fixes error in base_recon when previewing reconstruction methods
- Fixes incorrect slicing in mipmap plugin
- Correction to faulty flats averaging
- Adds getall flag option to plugin_data
Configurator updates:
- Adds error message when loading a module that exists but failed on import
- Replaces Gnureadline with readline
- Adds examples flag option to include plugin templates
- Amends mutations to check process list version number
- Adds option to output error messages when loading modules via -e flag
Other updates:
- Updates profiler
- Adds iterative plugin templates
- Adds savu-lite conda installation for local PC
- Adds savu tools to easily extract parameter information from process lists and loader yaml templates
- Adds zocalo qsub and new JSV to fix variable nodes error in launcher script
- Adds keep flag to launcher script for option to not delete data when passing an intermediate folder
- Improves tests
- Refines savu installer
New Plugins added:
- basic_operations:
- corrections:
- filters:
- denoising:
- denoising:
- loaders:
- full_field_loaders:
- full_field_loaders:
- reshape:
- ring_removal:
- segmentation:
- evolving_contours:
- geo_distance:
- morphological_operations:
- evolving_contours:
- simulation:
Plugin Replacements:
- dezinger => dezinger, dezinger_gpu
- median_filter => median_filter, median_filter_gp
- AstraReconGpu (new vectorised geometry)
Deprecated plugins:
- dezinger
- dezinger_simple
- dezinger_sinogram
- median_filter
Removed plugins:
Version 2.4
Core updates:
- Adds singularity recipe and conda recipes for hdf5, h5py, openmpi and fftw
- Reverts axis labels to correct length after temporary reduction of frames (plugin previewing)
- Updates astra install to dev version
- Fixes incorrect numbering in process lists when nplugins > 9
- Stops GPU check from failing when no GPU processes are requested
- Converts data transfer bounds from frames to bytes
- Speed improvements:
- Allows a wider variety of mft for data with dim > 3
- Improves mft calculations for data with multiple slice dimensions
- Improves chunking for > 3D datasets
- Allows input OR output datasets with different slice lengths
- Fixes inconsistent mft for in/out datasets with different dtypes
- Resets process frames counter for compatibility with parameter tuning
- dls cluster launcher script updates:
- Adds auto-deletion of intermediate files when tmp directory is passed to dls launcher script
- Rewrites for compatibility with Science cluster and Hamilton
- Integrates developer launcher script with standard launcher script
Plugin updates:
- Simplifies accessing current frame index from plugins
- Fixes initial volume in reconstruction
- Fixes initial volume in reconstruction
- Fixes problem in yaml converter when "savu" is in the file path
- Fixes but when outputting and reloading dictionary entries in meta data
- Fixes mrc loader to be compatible with checkpointing
- Fixes dark and flat previewing for tomo data with no image key
- Reconstruction COR updates:
- Allows manual input as COR (as dict)
- Allows COR as dataset
- Updates citation information for DistortionCorrection plugin
- Replaces C-wrapped DistortionCorrection plugin with python implemention
- Corrects the use of angles parameters in CameraRotCorrection to allow for parameter tuning
- Allows different angles per scan in NxtomoLoader
- Allows ImageLoader without dark field data
- Further improvements to auto-centering method
New plugins added:
- basic_operations:
- corrections:
- filters:
- reconstructions:
- reshape:
- ring_removal:
- savers:
- stats:
- visualisation:
- segmentation:
- morphological_operations/
- i23segmentation:
Version 2.3.1
Patch for version 2.3 to update installation scripts and software versions. The installation process in version 2.3 causes multi-node MPI jobs to hang, due to processes failing and the remainder waiting at a barrier.
Version 2.3
Core updates:
- Adds checkpointing
- With option to change number of processes at a plugin checkpoint level
- Moves all system parameters to a separate system_parameters yaml file
- Removes the hdf5 chunk cache (by setting to zero in system parameters file)
- Significantly improves speed
- Refines non-hdf5 datatypes to allow re-creation from output file and better copying
- Adds "all_versions" file for mapping version numbers to installer zip files
- Refines installer script
- Restructures mpi folder and renames to system_files
- Configurator:
- Adds option of dictionary as plugin parameter
- Removes unnecessary quotes around strings when re-loading and displaying the plugin list
- Improves error output messages
Plugin updates:
- Replaces SavuLoader with SavuNexusLoader
- Adds SavuNexusLoader
- Allows re-loading of multiple Savu output datasets from a Savu output Nexus file
- Adds DezingerSinogram plugin
- Adds SubPixelShift plugin
- Adds RingRemovalNormalization plugin
- Fixes MultiNxtomoLoader
- Fixes plugin previewing for dimensions greater than 3
- Allows image key and dezinger with no darks and flats
- Enhances Hdf5LoaderTemplate
- Adds multiple dataset stack and concatenate options to
- Adds wildcard keyword to access the wildcard values when data stitching in Hdf5TemplateLoader
- Adds option to remove dimensions in StitchData type
- Fixes data with no angles in NxtomoLoader
- Refines Tomopy
- Improves outer_pad and removes sino centering
- Amends log function in base recon and exposes the function as a parameter
- Corrects incorrect citation information in CcpiRingArtefactFilter
- Adds plugin example templates
Version 2.2.1
Core updates:
- Improves dockerfile for external use
- Improves HDF5 data chunking, with significant speed increases
Plugin updates:
- Amends DistortionCorrection parameters
- as agreed and tested with DLS beamline staff
- Adds 'multiple' frames request with a maximum limit
- DezingFilter renamed as DezingerSimple
- Adds Dezinger plugin
- Adds updated version of Robert Atwood's C-implemented algorithm back in to Savu
- This is a faster more accurate implementation
- Updates to DezingerSimple
- Maximum 8 frames now requested due to memory issues
- Darks and flats now only processed 8 at a time
Version 2.2
Core Updates:
- Adds Savu runtime template option:
- Adds syntax in configurator to choose subset of parameters
- Adds option to create a template (yaml file) when saving process list
- Adds option to pass template at runtime
- Adds updates to process list in savu from template file
- Adds Dosna (Distributed Object Store Numpy Array) transport
- Option to replace hdf5 backend
- Adds dockerfile
- Updates savu_installer with --no_prompts and --PREFIX options
- Fixes bug of multiple processing accessing the same chunk
- wrong value updating max_frames_transfer dict entry for use in chunking calculations
- should improve performance
- Separates transfer of dark and flat frames that are far apart in data with image key
- Significantly improves performance as hdf5 doesn't handle this well
Plugin Updates:
- Adds template loaders that parse a data description from a yaml file
- Adds hdf5_template_loader
- Adds image_template_loader
- Adds folder of template examples
- Allows greater flexibility in data loading and clearer descriptions
- Adds camera_rot_correction plugin
- Align data with tilted cor
- Refines nexus multi-modal loaders
- Updates tiff saver
- Change to output folder name
- Updates Fabio data type (used in image loader):
- Allows stepping over data
- Allows stitching in any dimensions
- Sets datatype to 32 bit
- Refines image_loader
- Fixes vo_centering for start_pixel values when downsampling is applied to the data
- Updates distortion correction parameters
Version 2.1.1
Updates installation scripts