Releases: DiamondLightSource/Savu
Releases · DiamondLightSource/Savu
Version 2.1
Core Updates:
- Adds numpy backend for basic (same pattern) processing
- Framework restructuring to expose local and global slicing methods
- Allows multiple plugins to process 'raw' data
- Adds beamline logger for auto-processing
- Adds 'nprocs' option to previewing
- Fixes 'File write failed' error caused by ROMIO 2GB read/write limit and h5py create_dataset
- Replaces h5py create_dataset (with chunking) with direct hdf5 calls, to avoid initialisation of the created file.
- Updates configurator arg parser to allow negative values in a list
- Adds beginnings of a GUI for creating plugin templates
Plugin Updates:
- Adds iterative plugin driver
- Adds iterative vo_centering plugin
- Adds edfsaver
- Improves vo_centering
- Fixes scikitimage to use values from parameters
- Fixes error in upper and lower bounds for darkandflatfieldcorrection
- Fixes distortion correction
- Fixes previewing and parameter tuning at the same time in reconstruction methods
- Improves all reconstruction wrappers:
- Improves astra toolbox wrappers
- Improves base recon and centre/outer padding
- Padding is now only allowed for suitable methods (e.g. yes for FBP but no for iterative methods)
Version 2.0
Core Updates:
- Restructures framework to allow interchangeable backends:
- giving the option to replace parallel hdf5
- Overhalls the configurator:
- Adds user, developer and hidden parameters
- Auto refresh of old and new process lists
- Allows skipping of incompatible plugins in old process lists
- Updates savu arg_parser
- Improves I/O and frame distribution
- Separates the number of frames transfered from file from the number of frames
- processed each call to process_frames()
- Requires big changes to data slicing
- Auto-mates and optimises number of transfer_frames and process_frames
- Fixes the number of frames sent to the plugin
- Closes and re-opens hdf5 files after each plugin to allow immediate access.
- Allows parameter tuning with lists
- Fixes Savu profiler
- Improves installation process
Plugin Updates:
- Adds ccpi-reconstruction plugin
- Adds ccpi-ring artefact removal plugin (same as tomo_recon)
- Adds dxchange loader
- Adds tiff_saver
- Adds plugin pre/post/process methods to base plugins
- Adds ptypy_batch
- Adds i13_ptycho_loader
- Adds monitor_correction_nd:
- extends monitor correction to allow more flexibility
- Updates TimeBasedCorrection:
- can now be applied to single entry darks and/or flats
- Updates Reconstructions:
- option to apply mask to data
- Adds option of cropping sinogram if centre needs shifting
- Updates DistortionCorrection:
- Updates to parameters to allow easier parameter tuning of centre values
- Automates shifting centre of distortion when data is previewed
- Updates DownsampleFilter:
- Updates to work with > 3D data
- Simplifies with scikit image
- Updates VoCentering: Uses different smooth filters for coarse and fine search to avoid local minima
- Updates MedianFilter: generalised for different data dimensionality
- Fixes MultiNxtomoLoader
- Re-organised plugins into collections
- All plugins now call process_frames() function
Version 1.2
Core updates:
- Adds citations information to output .nxs file
- Adds citation information to more plugins
- Fixes conda build
- Generalises MPI machine rank mapping
- Removes auto syslogging
Plugin updates:
- Fixes pyFAI plugin
- Adds tomopy
Version 1.1
Core updates:
- Adds new-look configurator for better useability
- Adds citation information
- Adds Savu easy install
Plugin updates:
- Speed improvements
- Adds data reduction plugin
- Adds new corrections
- New dark and flat field correction
- time based correction
- time based plus drift correction
- Adds new loaders
- multi-nxtomo loader
- multi savu loader
- Adds multi-threaded plugin driver
Version 1.0
Core updates:
- Configurator improvements
- GPU checking: fails at the beginning if GPU required but not found.
- Option to fix the number of frames passed to a plugin (pads if they don't exist)
- More flexible data padding (e.g pad just before or after)
- Allows previewing on padded data
- Removes absolute filepaths in output .nxs file
Plugin updates:
- Adds base_pre_process and base_post_process methods
- Adds dynamic changes to plugin datasets (number and name)
- New NXtomo loader, integrates 3D and 4D volumes
- Optional separate darks and flats plus scale factor in loader
- New dark and flat field correction
- Data with or without image key
- Sinogram or Projection processing
- Improved centering algorithm
- Overhaul of Astra-toolbox reconstruction plugins
- Fixes SIRT and SART
- Allows variable cors
- Adds 3D algorithms
- Outputs residual norm
Version 0.5.3
- Fixes zero data error caused by using the vo_centering preview option.
Version 0.5.2
- Fixes parameter tuning
- restructures output folders
- Adds tiff loader
Version 0.5.1
- Fixes base_azimuthal_integrator axis_labels
- Adds mock modules to sphinx file
Version 0.5.0
Core updates:
- Adds metadata to output .nxs file
- Adds units to axis labels in output .nxs file
- Fixes parameter tuning for intermediate plugins
- Adds range option in configurator for parameter tuning
- Fixes MPI performance issues (including big data file creation)
- Adds docstrings to code
- Adds auto-API creation to documentation
- Updates documentation
- Fixes previewing chunking
- Adds refresh option to configurator
- Adds executive summary to plugins
- Restructures test folders
- Restructures data module into a data structures package
- Fixes helper functions for creating datasets
- Adds a test of tests
Plugin updates:
- Fixes dezing plugin
- Adds Savu loader
- Improves Astra reconstruction speed by fixing centre value for all sinograms
Version 0.4.0
Core updates:
- Optimised chunking
- GPU processes
- Axis labels added to .nxs file
- Data patterns added to .nxs file
- Previewing in plugins other than loader
- Launcher scripts for STFC SCARF cluster
- Improved configurator
Plugin updates:
- Fixes distortion correction