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A collection of devices simulated using the tickit <>_ framework.

PyPI pip install tickit-devices
Docker docker run

Safety Note

These devices mimic real synchrotron devices and there is the potential for conflict with the real PVs if this is run on the same port as EPICS (5064). If using this simulation to test software, set your EPICS_CA_SERVER_PORT environment variable to something nonstandard, e.g. 5065 or greater, so that your tests are not confused between these and the real PVs. The S03 <>_ startup scripts manage the setting of these ports automatically, so if you are using this as part of S03 you won't need to change anything. Do not run this simulation on a beamline controls machine!

Adding devices to the S03 simulation

To add a device to s03, the config file required to run the tickit simulation should be present in s03_configs. Only changes pushed to main will be built into the tickit-devices image that s03 pulls from. Once the image has been built with the new device and config, follow the instructions here <>_ to include it in S03.

See for more detailed documentation.