Recommend songs based on your preferred tracks, artists using Spotify API
📚 API 103: A boon for developers building applications Video Link -
🚀 See the live demo here:
This project is a song recommender system that recommends songs based on your preferred tracks and artists using Spotify API. It is a web application built using Node.js, Express.js, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The application is hosted on Railway Platform.
- Go to Spotify for Developers and create a new app.
- Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
- Create a new file named .env in the root directory of the project.
- Add the following lines to the .env file:
PORT=5500 SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=<your_client_id> SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=<your_client_secret>
- Run the following commands in the terminal:
npm install npm start
- Open the browser and go to the URL: http://localhost:5500
- Create an account on Railway Platform.
- Create a new project and connect it to your GitHub repository.
- Add the following environment variables in the .env file on Railway:
- Deploy the project on Railway.
- Open the browser and go to the URL:
The MIT License
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License