A custom discord bot for granting/removing roles.
L0 - No special access to commands.
Default access level.
L1 - Access to basic verification commands.
Manually assigned to users by L3 and above.
L2 - Access to verification approval commands.
Manually assigned to users by L3 and above.
L3 - Access to commands editing server wide bot actions.
Automatically determined from Discord Manage Roles permission.
L4 - Bot Owner only
All commands begin with a prefix. ( default prefix is -- )
Possible parameters are surrounded in square brackets []
Public commands:
Shows information for all pending request forms for the server.
Verification commands:
(Require at least L1 access)
Verify [<user mention> or <user name> or <snowflake_userID>]
Submits a pending verification form for approval.
If executed by a user with L2 access or above the form is automatically approved and processed immediatly.
Approval commands:
(Require at least L2 access)
Approve [<user mention> or <user name> or <snowflake_userID>]
Approved a request for verification for the specified user.
Approved all pending verification forms for the current server.
Deny [<user mention> or <user name> or <snowflake_userID>]
Denies a request for verification for the specified user.
User Permission management:
(Require at least L3 access)
Add-Verifier [<user mention> or <user name> or <snowflake_userID>]
Grants the specified user L1 access.
Remove-Verifier [<user mention> or <user name> or <snowflake_userID>]
Revokes the specified user's L1 access.
Add-Approver [<user mention> or <user name> or <snowflake_userID>]
Grants the specified user L2 access.
Remove-Approver [<user mention> or <user name> or <snowflake_userID>]
Revokes the specified user's L2 access.
Verification processing parameters:
(Require at least L3 access)
Add-Role [<add> or <remove>] [<role mention> or <snowflake_roleID>]
Adds role to be added or removed to the user when verification is processed.
Remove-Role [<role mention> or <snowflake_roleID>]
Removes the role from the list of roles that are modified when verification is processed.