A library implementing the Optrand-based publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) scheme forming the core cryptographic component of the GRandLine Distributed Randomness Beacon Protocol. Written purely in Rust, this crate harnesses the power of real-world Crypto such as the Arkworks ecosystem for elliptic curve arithmetic and ed25519-dalek from the dalek cryptography suite for efficiently signing and verifying NIZK proofs. While the library is designed with the BLS12-381 curve in mind, its core components are implemented in a generic manner to enable experimentation with other curves as well.
This library is released under the Apache v2 License (see LICENSE).
WARNING: This is an academic proof-of-concept prototype, and in particular has not beed audited yet - please use it at your own risk.
Install a recent stable Rust toolchain using rustup
Run cargo test
to test both simple signing and aggregation.