Releases: Dinesh-03/LocaMem
Releases · Dinesh-03/LocaMem
LocaMem application
LocaMem is an Android application built with Kotlin and designed to help you remember important locations.
Location Tracking: Stores your current location every 15 minutes with user permission.
Realm Database: Utilizes Realm for efficient and scalable data storage.
MVVM Pattern: Provides a clean separation of concerns between UI, data, and logic.
Hilt for Dependency Injection: Simplifies dependency management and testing.
Home Screen: Shows a list of all stored locations.
Click-to-Map: Clicking a location item redirects you to an in-app map with the chosen location marked.
Playback Functionality: Playback button replays a visual path of all stored locations.
User Management: Allows switching between different users.