Bioinformatics Tool Wrapper Modudels
This is a set of node.js modules which wrap the functionalities of three bioinformatics alignment tools (Clustal Omega, T-Coffee, Dialign and two pairwise sequence alighnment algorithms (Smith-Waterman, Needleman-Wunsch)
Anyone who wishes to develop Node.js bioinformatics applications can include the functionality of above mentioned algorithms and tools by simply including the node module downloaded from npm in their program.
The required tools can be dowloaded and installed via the module itself. What ypu have to do is just include the modele and use the API to call tool's functions.
"test": "find ./tests -name '*.test.js' | xargs mocha -R spec", "coverage": "istanbul cover _mocha ClustalO_Wrapper/test/clustalOmega.test.js -x *.test.js "