Releases: Dirack/creGatherStack
v2.1.2 Alpha version
Version for development start
Checkout of the repository state to begin the development of a new version
2.1.1-beta.1 - Beta version
What's Changed
- Experiments framework - Automate experiments using scons and make
- Parameters smoothing after CRS parameters global search with VFSA
- Deprecated examples
v2.1.0-beta.1 - Beta version
A new program added to this package: sfrnip2vrms. That program estimates Root Mean Square Velocities (VRMS) given RNIP values for each (t0,m0) pairs in the stacked section. The RNIP parameter is a by-product of the Very Fast Simulated Annealing (VFSA) global optimization of the zero-offset Common Reflection Surface (CRS) parameters, RN, RNIP, and BETA.
CRE Gather stack is now a function of recipe, and allow CDS option Resolve #59 (af9c8db)
Unit test directory: TDD directory (39eace3)
- Update README with references to the changelog and wiki instead of the release history section (475e679)
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- Your password is (sudo included): 12345
v2.0.0 - Stable version
Unit tests and Continuous Integration with Travis CI, update SContructs interfaces and dependencies.
- Travis CI test (43a01fe)
- Establish and as dependencies Resolve #43 (44d8eb9)
- Define aperture=20 for sfgetcregather and correct bug Resolve #49 (feb03c1) (405199d)
- Use explicit dependency to avoid building errors Resolve #44 (35aa3c9)
- Allow experiments SConstructs to receive parameters from the command line (6edd9ef)
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- Your user is: tryitondocker
- Your password is (sudo included): 12345
v1.0.0-beta.1 - Beta version
Added a new usage example of a multi-layer model: To this model, the modeling step is done using Kirchoff-Newton modeling instead of Kirchoff modeling used in the modeling of the Gaussian reflector. Correct Bug in sfvfsacrsnh.
Avoid CMP coordinate to get out of of model bounds correct bug #38 (3f6b469) (72ed7c1)
Avoid segmentation fault in sfvfsacrsnh, correct bug #39 (ed9043d)
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- Your user is: tryitondocker
- Your password is (sudo included): 12345
v0.1.2-alpha.1 - Development version
Test of the CRE stacking with CDS condition (RN=RNIP) applied to the non-hyperbolic CRS traveltime approximation and CRE traveltime approximation.
Test CRE stacking with CDS condition applied to the Non-hyperbolic CRS approximation #26 (d20c1c1)
Test of the CRE stacking using CRE traveltime approximation #26 (1a0e765)
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- Your user is: tryitondocker
- Your password is (sudo included): 12345
v0.1.1-alpha.1 - Development version
The condition RN=RNIP used in the non-hyperbolic CRS traveltime approximation is used (CDS condition). It allows using this traveltime approximations as the stacking curve, instead of CRE traveltime approximation. Use both to make a comparison of the results.
CRE stacking with CDS condition (RNIP=RN) in non-hyperbolic traveltime approximation #3 (4ad17bb)
Define functions in to modeling and interpolation steps #9 (73a38c0)
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- Your user is: tryitondocker
- Your password is (sudo included): 12345
v0.1.0-alpha.1 - Development version
Core programs of the Common Reflection Element (CRE) stack workflow. Dependencies are Kirchoff Modeling programs, and Very Fast Simulated Annealing (VFSA) global optimization programs.
Gaussian reflector Kirchoff modeling (aff870d)
zero offset CRS parameters optimization with VFSA (14fcbdf)
PEF interpolation of the data cube to increase CMP sampling (8d9a44f)
Program sfcretrajec to calculate CRE trajectory for RNIP and BETA (8b54e94)
Program sfgetcregather to build the CRE Gather (2872fdd)
Program sfgetcretimecurve to build the CRE traveltime curve (da8b919)
Program sfcrestack to CRE stacking (5c4e633)
Jupyter Notebook of the Kirchhoff modeling step (40ac351)
Scratch of a reproducible paper for modeling step (494faf2)
- Correct bug in alpha parameter bounds in the program Mcretrajec.c (699f169)
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- Your user is: tryitondocker
- Your password is (sudo included): 12345