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x64ID ~ x64 Instruction Decoder

A x86/x64 machine code decoder. It is useful to get instructions' length and identify each of its fields.

Here some scenarios where x64ID can be used:

  • write your disassembler from scratch
  • as a base for a VM protection [1].
  • reverse engineering scenarios
  • swapping instructions with others (eg. substitution like MOV EAX, 0 with XOR EAX, EAX)
  • get mnemonic rapresentation (currently not implemented)
  • others (as ideas will come to mind...)

Supported architectures and features


✅ x86
✅ x64


✅ 1-byte OPs
✅ 2-byte OPs
✅ 3-byte OPs, 0x38 and 0x3A


✅ prefixes
✅ VEX prefix (0xC4, 0xC5)
✅ ModRm
✅ REX prefix
✅ Imm
✅ Disp
❌ XOP prefix

Instruction Set:

✅ x86 & x64
✅ SIMD extension
✅ AVX extension
❌ AVX-512 (EVEX prefix)
❌ 3DNow!

Features on development

🎯 XOP support
🎯 AVX-512 (EVEX prefix)
🎯 Machine code to assembly mnemonics
🎯 Others (as ideas will come to mind...)


x64ID exposes only one function and some structs to complete its goal:

int x64id_decode(struct instruction *instr, enum supported_architecture arch, char *data_src, int offset);
Parameter Type Explanation Required
instr struct instruction A reference to the struct that will contain the analysis result. See below for more informations. YES
arch enum supported_architecture The achitecture type. Use 1 for x86 and 2 for x64 YES
data_source char* A data buffer with the data to be analyzed YES
offset int An offset to be added to the starting address of data_buffer NO


x64id_decode returns the length of the decoded instruction. Its value can also be accessed from instr.length.

ℹ️ Notes Internally, x64ID does not use dynamic allocation to avoid overhead.

Instruction struct

Here below how you can use the struct. More infos and the other structs can be found in the header file.

Field Name Type Description
prefixes uint8_t[4] Store the prefixes of the instrucion, like Segment Override, Address Size and 2 and 3-byte escape opcodes (0x0f, 0x38, 0x3A)
rex union Union of five fields: value, rex_b, rex_r, rex_x, rex_w (see below).
op uint8_t The opcode of the instruction
modrm union Union of four fields: value, rm, reg and mod (see below).
disp uint64_t Displacement field
imm uint64_t Immediate value (a number)
label uint32_t Address of Jcc/JMP, if present
_vex struct vex_info Available only if _ENABLED_VEX_INFO is defined. Described below.
instr uint8_t[15] Available only if _ENABLE_RAW_BYTES is defined.
sib union Union of four fields: value, base, index and scaled (see below).
vex uint8_t[3] 0xC4 or 0xC5 followed by 1 or 2 bytes
length int The instruction length (in bytes)
disp_len int The displacement size (in bytes)
imm_len int The imm size
vex_cnt int8_t Count how many VEX prefixes are available
prefix_cnt int8_t Count how many prefixes are available
set_prefix uint16_t A field against which is possible to check if a determined prefix (belonging to prefixes enum) is present.
set_field uint16_t A field against which is possible to check if a determined feature (belonging to instruction_feature enum) is available (e.g. FPU, SIB, DISP,...)
jcc_type uint8_t The type of jump: Jcc or JMP with 1 or 2-bytes (refer to jmp_type enum)

REX union

Field Name Type Description
rex.value uint8_t The rex prefix if present (x64 only)
rex.bits.rex_b uint8_t rex_b field
rex.bits.rex_x uint8_t rex_x field
rex.bits.rex_r uint8_t rex_r field
rex.bits.rex_w uint8_t rex_w field

For more information on REX prefix, refer to section 2.2.1 REX Prefixes of the Intel Developer Manual Vol.2 [2].

ModRm union

Field Name Type Description
modrm.value uint8_t The ModRm value
modrm.bits.rm uint8_t The rm part of ModRm
modrm.bits.reg uint8_t The reg part of ModRm
modrm.bits.mod uint8_t The mod part of ModRm. When mod=11b source and destination are registers, otherwise one of the operands involves memory access (displacement field)

More information on ModRm field can be found at the section 2.1.3 ModR/M and SIB Bytes of the Intel Developer Manual Vol.2 [2].

SIB union

Field Name Type Description
sib.value uint8_t If present, is the Scaled Index Base
sib.bits.base uint8_t base field
sib.bits.index uint8_t index field
sib.bits.scaled uint8_t scaled field

For more information refer to section 2.1.5 Addressing-Mode Encoding of ModR/M and SIB Bytes of the Intel Developer Manual Vol.2 [2].

vex_info struct

Field Name Type Description
type uint8_t 0xC4 used when 3-byte prefix is present or 0xC5 used when 2-byte prefix is present
vexc5b struct
_vex.val5 uint8_t The byte after 0xC5 with its filds described below
_vex.vexc5b.vex_pp uint8_t Equivalent to a SIMD prefix: 00: none, 01: 0x66, 02: 0xF3, 03: 0xF2
_vex.vexc5b.vex_l uint8_t 0 for 128-bit vector or 1 for 256-bit vector
_vex.vexc5b.vex_v uint8_t An additional operand for the instruction
_vex.vexc5b.vex_r uint8_t
_vex.val4 uint16_t
_vex.vexc4b.vex_pp uint8_t
_vex.vexc4b.vex_l uint8_t
_vex.vexc4b.vex_v uint8_t
_vex.vexc4b.vex_r uint8_t
_vex.vexc4b.vex_m uint8_t Values: 00001: implied 0F leading opcode byte, 00010: implied 0F 38 leading opcode bytes, 00011: implied 0F 3A leading opcode bytes. Other values will #UD.
_vex.vexc4b.vex_b uint8_t
_vex.vexc4b.vex_x uint8_t
_vex.vexc4b.vex_r uint8_t

For all the details about VEX prefix look at section 2.3.5 The VEX Prefix of the Intel Developer Manual Vol.2 [2].


A practical example: sum of two vectors using SIMD instruction

Lets have a pratical example, the sum of two vectors (using inline assembly):

  // ... omitted code ...
  int vect1[LEN] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};
  int vect2[LEN] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};
  int res_vect1[LEN];

    lea      eax, vect1
    lea      ebx, vect2
    xor      ecx, ecx

    cmp      ecx, LEN * 4
    jge      _end

      movups   xmm0, [eax + ecx]
      movups   xmm1, [ebx + ecx]
      addps    xmm0, xmm1
      movups   [res_vect1 + ecx], xmm0
      add      ecx, 4
      jmp      _while

  // ... omitted code ...

Compiling through MS Compiler (with /Ot flag), the result will be what follows:

CPU Disasm
Address   Hex dump                    Command                                  Comments
008910BC  |.  C785 68FFFFFF 00000000  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.38],0
008910C6  |.  8D45 CC                 LEA EAX,[LOCAL.13]
008910C9  |.  8D5D 9C                 LEA EBX,[LOCAL.25]
008910CC  |.  33C9                    XOR ECX,ECX
008910CE  |>  83F9 30                 /CMP ECX,30
008910D1  |.  7D 18                   |JGE SHORT 008910EB
008910D3  |.  0F100408                |MOVUPS XMM0,DQWORD PTR DS:[ECX+EAX]
008910D7  |.  0F100C0B                |MOVUPS XMM1,DQWORD PTR DS:[ECX+EBX]
008910DB  |.  0F58C1                  |ADDPS XMM0,XMM1
008910DE  |.  0F11840D 6CFFFFFF       |MOVUPS DQWORD PTR SS:[ECX+EBP-94],XMM0
008910E6  |.  83C1 04                 |ADD ECX,4
008910E9  |.^ EB E3                   \JMP SHORT 008910CE

We can write a sample code that uses x64ID to read and print the instructions.

int offset = 0x4bc;
int parse_bytes = 0x2a;
int byte_reads = 0;

while(byte_reads <= parse_bytes) {
    struct instruction instr;
    x64id_decode(&instr, arch, (char*)data_buffer, offset);
    for(int i=0; i<instr.length; i++)
        printf("%02X ", instr.instr[i]);
    offset += instr.length;
    byte_reads += instr.length;

This is what gets printed in output by giving to it the "sum of two vectors" code above (each line is an instruction):

C7 85 68 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00
8D 45 CC
8D 5D 9C
33 C9
83 F9 30
7D 18
0F 10 04 08
0F 10 0C 0B
0F 58 C1
0F 11 84 0D 6C FF FF FF
83 C1 04

Of course you can gather more information about each instruction. Here below a sample detailed report created by x64ID processing of two of the instructions of the set above, inst. 1 and inst. 10:

 * Ref only - Instruction Line 1:

RAW bytes (hex): C7 85 68 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00
Instr. length: 10
Print instruction fields:
        Located Prefixes 0:

        OP: 0xC7
        mod_reg_rm: 0x85
        disp (4): 0xFFFFFF68
        Iimm: 0x0

 * Ref only - Instruction Line 10:

RAW bytes (hex): 0F 11 84 0D 6C FF FF FF
Instr. length: 8
Print instruction fields:
        Located Prefixes 1:
        OP: 0x11
        mod_reg_rm: 0x84
        SIB byte: 0xD
        disp (4): 0xFFFFFF6C

Another example: architecture x64, VEX prefix with YMM register

vmovsldup ymm1, [rbp*4 + var]

As compiled output we'll get:

C5 FE 12 0C AD 00 10 00 00

Output after x64ID parsing:

RAW bytes (hex): C5 FE 12 0C AD 00 10 00 00
Instr. length: 9
Print instruction fields:
        Located Prefixes 0:

        VEX prefix value:
                0xC5 0xFE
        Field 0xFE:
                r: 1
                v: F
                L: 1
                pp: 2

        OP: 0x12
        mod_reg_rm: 0xC
        SIB byte: 0xAD
        disp (4): 0x1000

Enabling / Disabling features

Some features can be toggled by adding / removing comments on these lines:

Define Description
_ENABLE_RAW_BYTES Enabling this, allows storing each instruction into the instr struct passed to x64id_decode (instr.instr);
_ENABLE_VEX_INFO Enabling this, allows storing VEX infos into instr; see previous example for more

Find length of a function

An extension has been added to compute the length of a specified function:

pFunctionInfo getFunctionLength(char *buffer, enum supported_architecture arch);

pFunctionInfo is an anonymous struct defined as follows:

Field Name Type Description
pVisited vector * A pointer to a vector data structure
length int The length of the function in bytes

The vector data structure is a dynamic array with three members:

Field Name Type Description
vect uint32_t * contains the detected addresses
size int allocated memory of the array
tos int index of the last inserted element

An example can be found in main.c, function in_memory().

ℹ️ Notes Jump Table are not handled; be careful when you use switch case and compiling with MSVC (GCC/MinGw seems use other techniques). Handling jmp table require heuristics (eg. as IDA do and other tools) and more info on the target.


After googling for a better solution, I came back with one of the first things I was thinking: assembly.

Tests have been written using NASM and must be compiled using the "bin" flag:

nasm -f bin <filename.asm>

The tested instructions are the following:

  • x86: 1-byte OP, 2-byte OP, 3-byte OP and 2-byte OP with VEX prefix
  • x64: 1-byte OP, 2-byte OP, 3-byte OP; some of which have VEX prefix

Tests have been written by hand using the Intel Developer Manual book [2]. I can't guarantee a 100% coverage, however all the opcodes have been tested.

Useful resources


[1] By VM protection is meant a code obscator that converts x86/x64 machine code into "virtual opcodes" that are understandable by a VM. Two commercial examples can be VMProtect and CodeVirtualizer

[2] Intel Developer Manual (2nd book)

Crafted with ❤ by DispatchCode. Documentation created along with Alexander Cerutti