A library to make creating autolayout constraints for multiple related views simpler and more elegant.
Autolayout APIs are great, as are DSL libs like SnapKit. There are, however, situations where you want to lay views out according to a regular pattern (e.g. in a stack or a grid), where these tools can be a bit heavyweight.
Neatly provides a simple and elegate DSL for laying multiple views out in a regular pattern, using autolayout constraints.
.package(url: "https://github.com/DomainGroupOSS/swift-neatly", from: "0.4.0")
.add(views: subviews)
.with(format: .stack(
axis: .vertical,
spacing: 20,
insets: insets)
.add(views: subviews)
.with(format: .stack(
axis: .horizontal,
spacing: 20,
insets: insets)
.add(views: subviews)
.with(format: .table(
columns: 3,
horizontalSpacing: 10,
verticalSpacing: 10,
insets: insets)