A task manager for animation and vfx film projects.
- pyhton 2.7+
- qtpy
- sqlalchemy
to run in standalone GUI mode you need also any of:
- PyQt4/5
- PySide/PySide2
#####SideEffects Houdini:
import hou # Houdini Api
import tasker.ui as tasker
houdini_window = hou.ui.mainQtWindow() # Get the application
window = tasker.MainWindow(parent=houdini_window)
#####Foundry Nuke:
import tasker.ui as tasker
window = tasker.MainWindow()
#####Autodesk Maya:
import tasker.ui as tasker
window = tasker.MainWindow()
After that you want to create a new project. To do so go to "Project > New Project". After that you can create new assets and shots for this project also from the same menu. To assign users:
- "User>New User"
- right click on the task and choose "assign user"
To change the state of an task:
- right click on an task and choose "set state". Not all state sets are allowed because tasks are dependend on each other. To see and edit these dependencies have a look into the template.py There you can define new tasks, task templates and their dependencies.
adding subtasks to existing tasks
exchange the current state handling implementation with a finite state machine
increase test coverage
adding node editor to generate tasks
using builder pattern to gnerate shots / assets.