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Don's Utility Functions for FiveM


Has you're script gone up the duff? Well, this is the solution for you! This is a collection of optimised utility modules for FiveM, to be imported and used in your scripts. It's designed to be lightweight, and easy to use, with a focus on performance and efficiency.


  • Package A recreation of the Lua package library in pure lua, allowing you to import and use modules in your scripts.
  • Array: A FP array class for the creation and manipulation of consecutive integer indexed arrays, similar to the Array class in JavaScript.
  • Await: A function that allows you to call and await a functions return values, using promises.
  • Bench: Benches the performance of a function, and returns the time taken to execute the function.
  • Bridge: Provides common functions between different frameworks and libraries for use in creating cross-framework scripts.
  • Interval: A class for creating and managing intervals, allowing you to start, pause, stop and resume timers on threads.
  • Locale: A localisation and translation module, based on the i18n.lua library by kikito.
  • Math: An addition to the lua math library, expanding of some of the functions and adding some new ones. Most notably, an improved math.random function.
  • Vector: A vector class for the creation and manipulation of vectors, as well as exposing functions to the server environment not normally available.
  • Blips: A blip helper class for managing blips, aiding in the retrieval and removal of blips.
  • Pools: A pool class for managing pools, aiding in the retrieval of peds, vehicles, objects and pickups.
  • Scaleform: A scaleform class for managing scaleforms, aiding in the creation and manipulation of scaleforms.
  • Streaming: A streaming class for loading various game assets, including animations, audio, collisions, ipls, models and ptfx.
  • Scope: A scope class for manipulating players scopes, allowing triggering events around a player and their scope.
  • Zone: A server-side zone class for GTA V's map zones, allowing you to check if a player is in a specific zone, and trigger events based on that.

Table of Contents



Dependencies (CBridge Users)

In order to use the CBridge class, you must have the following resources(s) installed:

Initial Setup

  • Always use the latest FiveM artifacts (tested on 6683), you can find them here.
  • Download the latest version from releases.
  • Extract the contents of the zip file into your resources folder, into a folder which starts after your framework and before any script this is a dependency for, or;
  • Ensure the script in your server.cfg after your framework and before any script this is a dependency for.


Check Version

Checks a resource's version against the latest released version on GitHub.

---@param resource string? @The resource name to check the version of or the invoking resource if nil.
---@param version string? @The version to check against or the current version if nil.
---@param github string @The GitHub profile to check the version.
---@param repository string? @The GitHub repository to check the version or the invoking resource if nil.
exports.duff:checkversion(resource, version, github, repository)

-- Using '@duff/shared/import.lua' in your `fxmanifest.lua`
duff.checkversion(resource, version, github, repository)

Importing CDuff

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.import'
local duff = lib.require '@duff.shared.import'

-- Using '@duff/shared/import.lua' in your `fxmanifest.lua`
shared_script '@duff/shared/import.lua'


CArray is a functional programming array class for the creation and manipulation of consecutive integer indexed arrays, similar to the Array class in JavaScript.

This is a shared module, and can be used on both the client, server and shared enviroment.

Importing CArray

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.array'
local array = lib.require '@duff.shared.array'

-- Attaching array to a local variable from CDuff
local array = duff.array

Internal Methods

The following are Lua's default table functions that are exposed in the array module. You can find more information on these functions in the Lua 5.4 Reference Manual.

---@param list any[] 
---@param index integer
---@param value any
function array.insert(list, index, value)
  • list - The array to insert the value into.
  • index - The index to insert the value at.
  • value - The value to insert.
---@param list any[]
---@param index integer?
---@return any?
function array.remove(list, index)
  • list - The array to remove the value from.
  • index - The index to remove.
  • returns: any - The removed value.
---@param list any[]
---@param compare fun(a: any, b: any): boolean
---@return any[] sorted_list
function array.sort(list, compare)
  • list - The array to sort.
  • compare - The comparison function.
  • returns: any[] - The sorted array.
---@param list any[]
---@param sep any?
---@param i integer?
---@param j integer?
---@return string concat_list
function array.concat(list, sep, i, j)
  • list - The array to concatenate.
  • sep - The separator.
  • i - The start index.
  • j - The end index.
  • returns: string - The concatenated array.


Checks if a table is an array.

---@param list any[]
---@return boolean is_array
function array.isarray(tbl)
  • list - The table to check.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the table is an array.


Pushes one or more elements to the end of the array.

---@param list any[]
---@param arg any?
---@param ... any?
---@return any[] list
function array.push(list, arg, ...)
  • list - The array to add the elements to.
  • arg - The first element to add.
  • ... - The rest of the elements to add.
  • returns: any[] - The array with the added elements.


Pushes all elements from a list to the end of the array.

---@param list any[]
---@param to_push any[]
---@return any[] list
function array.pusharray(list, to_push)
  • list - The array to add the elements to.
  • to_push - The array of elements to add.
  • returns: any[] - The array with the added elements.


Returns the element at the specified index without removing it.

---@param list any[]
---@param index integer?
---@return any value
function array.peek(list, index)
  • list - The array to get the element from.
  • index - The index of the element.
  • returns: any - The element at the specified index.


Returns a new list containing the elements from the specified index to the end of the array.

---@param list any[]
---@param index integer?
---@return any[] peek_list
function array.peekarray(list, index)
  • list - The array to get the elements from.
  • index - The index of the element.
  • returns: any[] - The new list containing the elements.


Removes and returns the element at the specified index.

---@param list any[]
---@param index integer?
---@return any value, any[] list
function array.pop(list, index)
  • list - The array to remove the element from.
  • index - The index of the element.
  • returns: any - The removed element.


Removes and returns a new array containing the elements from the specified index to the end of the array.

---@param list any[]
---@param index integer?
---@return any[] pop_list
function array.poparray(list, index)
  • list - The array to remove the elements from.
  • index - The index of the element.
  • returns: any[] - The new array containing the elements.

contains (array)

Checks if the array contains a specific element, key or key-value pair.

---@param list any[]
---@param key integer?
---@param value any?
---@return boolean contains
function array.contains(list, key, value)
  • list - The array to check.
  • key - The key to check for.
  • value - The value to check for.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the array contains the element, key or key-value pair.


Creates a shallow copy of the array.

---@param list any[]
---@return any[] copy_list
function array.copy(list)
  • list - The array to copy.
  • returns: any[] - The copied array.


Searches for the first element that satisfies a given condition and returns its index.

---@param list any[]
---@param func fun(val: any, i: integer): boolean
---@return integer? index
function array.find(list, func)
  • list - The array to search.
  • func - The condition to satisfy.
  • returns: integer - The index of the element, nil if the element is not found.


Applies a function to each element from left to right, accumulating and returning the result.

---@param list any[]
---@param func fun(acc: any, val: any): any
---@param arg any?
---@return any result
function array.foldleft(list, func, arg)
  • list - The array to apply the function to.
  • func - The function to apply.
  • arg - The initial value.
  • returns: any - The accumulated result.


Applies a function to each element from right to left, accumulating and returning the result.

---@param list any[]
---@param func fun(acc: any, val: any): any
---@param arg any?
---@return any result
function array.foldright(self, func, arg)
  • list - The array to apply the function to.
  • func - The function to apply.
  • arg - The initial value.
  • returns: any - The accumulated result.


Creates a read-only array that can be used for enumeration.

---@param list any[]
---@return any[] enum_list
function array.setenum(list)
  • list - The array to enumerate.
  • returns: any[] - The read-only array.


Applies a function to each element and returns a new array with the results.

---@param list any[]
---@param func fun(val: any): any
---@param in_place boolean?
---@return any[] mapped_list
function, func, in_place)
  • list - The array to apply the function to.
  • func - The function to apply.
  • in_place - Whether to modify the original array or return a new one.
  • returns: any[] - The mapped array.


Returns a new array containing only the elements that satisfy a given condition.

---@param list any[]
---@param func fun(val: any, i: integer): boolean
---@param in_place boolean?
---@return any[] filtered_list
function array.filter(list, func, in_place)
  • list - The array to filter.
  • func - The condition to satisfy.
  • in_place - Whether to modify the original array or return a new one.
  • returns: any[] - The filtered array.


Iterates over each element in the array and applies a function.

---@param list any[]
---@param func fun(val: any, i: integer)
---@param reverse boolean
function array.foreach(list, func, reverse)
  • list - The array to iterate over.
  • func - The function to apply.
  • reverse - Whether to iterate in reverse order or not.


Reverses the order of elements in place.

---@param list any[]
---@param length integer?
---@return any[] reversed_list
function array.reverse(self, length)
  • list - The array to reverse.
  • length - The length of the array.
  • returns: any[] - The reversed array.


await is a function that allows you to call and return a functions return values, using promises.

Importing await

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.await'
local await = lib.require '@duff.shared.await'

-- Attaching await to a local variable from CDuff
local await = duff.await

await (function)

Calls and awaits a the return of a function.

---@param func fun(...): any
---@param ... any
---@return ...?
function await(func, ...)
  • func - The function to call.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the function.
  • returns: ... - The result of the function.


bench is a function that allows you to benchmark the performance of a function, and returns the time taken to execute the function in milliseconds.

Importing bench

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.bench'
local bench = lib.require '@duff.shared.bench'

-- Attaching bench to a local variable from CDuff
local bench = duff.bench

bench (function)

Benchmarks a function for lim iterations and returns the time taken to execute the function in milliseconds. Then prints the average time taken compared to other functions.

This was originally based on this benchmarking snippet by @thelindat, but for better client-side compatibility and per function benchmarking it has been heavily modified.

  ---@param unit time_units
  ---@param dec_places integer?
  ---@param iterations integer?
  ---@param fn function
  ---@param ... any
function bench(unit, dec_places, iterations, fn, ...)
  • unit - The unit of time to display the results in. Can be ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), us (microseconds) or ns (nanoseconds).
  • dec_places - The number of decimal places to display the results to. If not provided, it defaults to 2.
  • iterations - The number of iterations to run the benchmark for. If not provided, it defaults to 1000.
  • fn - The function to benchmark.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the function.


CBridge is a class that provides common functions between different frameworks and libraries for use in creating cross-framework scripts. It currently has limited scope, managing player job/gang data, retreiving the core framework and some exposed methods between common Inventory and Target scripts.

Importing CBridge

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.bridge'
local bridge = lib.require '@duff.shared.bridge'

-- Attaching the bridge to a local variable from CDuff
local bridge = duff.bridge


The _DATA table is used to store common data for the bridge class.

---@class _DATA
---@field FRAMEWORK 'esx'|'qb'?
---@field INVENTORY 'ox'?
---@field LIB 'ox'?
---@field EVENTS {LOAD: string?, UNLOAD: string?, JOBDATA: string?, PLAYERDATA: string?, UPDATEOBJECT: string?}
---@field EXPORTS {CORE: {resource: string, method: string}, INV: {resource: string, method: string}, TARG: {resource: string, method: string}}
---@field ITEMS {[string]: {name: string, label: string, weight: number, useable: boolean, unique: boolean}}? 
  • The FRAMEWORK field is used to store the name of the core framework being used.
  • The INVENTORY field is used to store the name of the inventory framework being used.
  • The LIB field is used to store the name of the library being used.
  • The EVENTS table is used to store common event names, with the LOAD, UNLOAD, JOBDATA and PLAYERDATA being available on the client side, and the UPDATEOBJECT being a shared element.
  • The EXPORTS table is used to store common exports.
  • The ITEMS table is only available on the server side, and is used to store item data for use in the inventory system.

Shared Functions (bridge)


Retrieves the core framework being used. Currently only supports QBCore & ESX.

---@return QBCore|table Core
function bridge.getcore()
  • returns: QBCore|table - The core framework being used.

Retrieves the library object being used. Currently only supports ox_lib.

---@return table Lib
function bridge.getlib()
  • returns: table - The library object being used.

Retrieves the inventory object being used. Currently only supports ox_inventory & qb-inventory. (ESX implements their inventory system via Player Methods or ox_inventory and thus does not require an inventory object.)

---@return table inv
function bridge.getinv()
  • returns: table - The inventory object being used.

Retrieves the player data.

---@param player integer|string?
---@return table player_data
function bridge.getplayer(player)
  • player - The player server ID to retrieve the object from. If client side, this can be left as nil.
  • returns: table - The player data.

Retrieves the player identifier.

---@param player integer|string?
---@return string|number identifier
function bridge.getidentifier(player)
  • player - The player to retrieve the identifier from, can be;
    • integer - The server ID (server side) or the PlayerID (client side) of the player.
    • string - The server ID of the player as a string (server side).
    • nil - Will use source (server side) or the cached PlayerData (client side) as the player.
  • returns: string|integer - The player identifier, if no framework is found, it will return;
    • serverId - The server ID of the player (client side).
    • FiveM ID - The FiveM ID of the player (server side).

Retrieves the player name.

---@param player integer|string?
---@return string name
function bridge.getplayername(player)
  • player - The player to retrieve the identifier from, can be;
    • integer - The server ID (server side) or the PlayerID (client side) of the player.
    • string - The server ID of the player as a string (server side).
    • nil - Will use source (server side) or the cached PlayerData (client side) as the player.
  • returns: string - The player name.

Retrieves the player job data.

---@param player integer|string?
---@return {name: string, label: string, grade: number, grade_name: string, grade_label: string, job_type: string, salary: number}? job_data
function bridge.getjob(player)
  • player - The player server ID to retrieve job data from, if client side, this can be left as nil.
  • returns: table - The player job data.

Checks if the player has a specific group (either job or gang).

---@param player integer|string?
---@param groups string|string[]
---@return boolean has_group
function bridge.doesplayerhavegroup(player, groups)
  • player - The player server ID to check the group of, if client side, this can be left as nil.
  • groups - The group(s) to check for.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the player has the group.

Checks if the player is downed.

---@param player integer|string?
---@return boolean is_downed
function bridge.isplayerdowned(player)
  • player - The player server ID to check if downed, if client side, this can be left as nil.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the player is downed.

Creates a callback function.

---@param name string
---@param callback function
function bridge.createcallback(name, callback)
  • name - The name of the callback.
  • callback - The function to call when the callback is triggered.

Triggers a callback function.

---@param player integer|string?
---@param name string
---@param callback function
---@param ... any
function bridge.triggercallback(player, name, callback, ...)
  • player - The player source to trigger the (client) callback on, if client side, this can be left as nil.
  • name - The name of the callback.
  • callback - The function to call when the callback is received.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the callback.

Server Functions (bridge)


Retrieves all items.

---@return {[string]: {name: string, label: string, weight: number, useable: boolean, unique: boolean}}
function bridge.getallitems()
  • returns: table - All items.

Retrieves a specific item.

---@param item string
---@return {name: string, label: string, weight: number, useable: boolean, unique: boolean}?
function bridge.getitem(item)
  • item - The name of the item to retrieve.
  • returns: table - The item data.

Creates a useable item.

---@param name string
---@param callback fun(player: integer|string)
function bridge.createuseableitem(name, callback)
  • name - The name of the item.
  • callback - The function to call when the item is used.

Note: If using ox_inventory, the item export is in the server.exports table as


Adds an item to the player inventory.

---@param player integer|string?
---@param item string
---@param amount integer?
---@return boolean added
function bridge.additem(player, item, amount)
  • player - The player server ID to add the item to.
  • item - The name of the item to add.
  • amount - The amount of the item to add, defaults to 1.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the item was added.

Removes an item from the player inventory.

---@param player integer|string?
---@param item string
---@param amount integer?
---@return boolean removed
function bridge.removeitem(player, item, amount)
  • player - The player server ID to remove the item from.
  • item - The name of the item to remove.
  • amount - The amount of the item to remove, defaults to 1.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the item was removed.

Checks if the player has an item in their inventory.

---@param player integer|string?
---@param item string
---@param amount integer?
---@return boolean has_item
function bridge.hasitem(player, item, amount)
  • player - The player server ID to check the item of.
  • item - The name of the item to check.
  • amount - The amount of the item to check for, defaults to 1.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the player has the item.

Retrieves the player inventory.

---@param player integer|string?
---@return {[string]: {name: string, label: string, weight: number, useable: boolean, unique: boolean}} player_items
function bridge.getplayeritems(player)
  • player - The player server ID to retrieve the inventory of.
  • returns: table - The player inventory.
    • name - The name of the item.
    • label - The label of the item.
    • weight - The weight of the item.
    • useable - Whether the item is useable.
    • unique - Whether the item is unique.

Client Functions (bridge)


Adds a local target entity.

---@param entities integer|integer[]
---@param options {name: string?, label: string, icon: string?, distance: number?, item: string?, canInteract: (fun(entity: integer, distance: number): boolean?)?, onSelect: fun()?, event_type: string?, event: string?, jobs: string|string[]?, gangs: string|string[]?}[]
function bridge.addlocalentity(entities, options)
  • entities - The entity or entities to add.
  • options - The options for the entity. options is an array of tables with the following fields;
    • name - The name of the target or nil.
    • label - The label of the target.
    • icon - The icon of the target or nil.
    • distance - The distance of the target or nil.
    • item - The item of the target or nil.
    • canInteract - The function to check if the player can interact with the target or nil.
    • onSelect - The function to call when the target is selected or nil.
    • event_type - The event type of the target or nil.
    • event - The event of the target or nil.
    • jobs - The jobs that can interact with the target or nil.
    • gangs - The gangs that can interact with the target or nil.

Removes a local target entity.

---@param entities integer|integer[]
function bridge.removelocalentity(entities)
  • entities - The entity or entities to remove the target from.

Adds a target box zone.

---@param data {center: vector3, size: vector3, heading: number?, debug: boolean?}
---@param options {name: string?, label: string, icon: string?, distance: number?, item: string?, canInteract: (fun(entity: integer, distance: number): boolean?)?, onSelect: fun()?, event_type: string?, event: string?, jobs: string|string[]?, gangs: string|string[]?}[]
---@return integer|string? box_zone
function bridge.addboxzone(data, options)
  • data - The data for the box zone. The data contains the following fields:
    • center - The center of the box zone.
    • size - The size of the box zone.
    • heading - The heading of the box zone or nil.
    • debug - Whether to show debug markers for the box zone or nil.
  • options - The options for the target. options is an array of tables with the following fields;
    • name - The name of the target or nil.
    • label - The label of the target.
    • icon - The icon of the target or nil.
    • distance - The distance of the target or nil.
    • item - The item of the target or nil.
    • canInteract - The function to check if the player can interact with the target or nil.
    • onSelect - The function to call when the target is selected or nil.
    • event_type - The event type of the target or nil.
    • event - The event of the target or nil.
    • jobs - The jobs that can interact with the target or nil.
    • gangs - The gangs that can interact with the target or nil.
  • returns: integer|string - The ID of the box zone. If using ox_target, the integer ID of the box zone is returned. If using qb-target, the string name of the box zone is returned.

Removes a target zone.

---@param zone integer|string
function bridge.removezone(zone)
  • zone - The zone to remove. If using ox_target, the integer ID of the zone is used. If using qb-target, the string name of the zone is used.

Registers a menu.

---@param id string
---@param title string
---@param options {header: string, description: string, icon: string, disabled: boolean?, onSelect: fun()?, event_type: string?, event: string?, args: table?}[]
function bridge.registermenu(id, title, options)
  • id - The ID of the menu.
  • title - The title of the menu.
  • options - The options for the menu. options is an array of tables with the following fields;
    • header - The header of the menu.
    • description - The description of the menu.
    • icon - The icon of the menu.
    • disabled - Whether the menu is disabled or nil.
    • onSelect - The function to call when the menu is selected or nil.
    • event_type - The event type of the menu or nil.
    • event - The event of the menu or nil.
    • args - The arguments to pass to the menu or nil.

Opens a registered menu.

---@param id string
---@param data table?
function bridge.openmenu(id, data)
  • id - The ID of the menu to open.
  • data - The data to pass to the menu

Closes the currently open menu.

function bridge.closemenu()


CInterval is an object that has methods for creating and managing timer. It is used to call a function repeatedly, with a fixed time delay between each call.

This is a shared module, and can be used on both the client, server and shared enviroment.

Importing CInterval

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.interval'
local interval = lib.require '@duff.shared.interval'

-- Attaching the interval to a local variable from CDuff
local interval = duff.interval


The interval class is used to create and manage intervals.

---@class interval
---@field idx integer
---@field callback fun(...: any): callback_data: any?
---@field time integer
---@field limit integer
---@field paused boolean
---@field stopped boolean
---@field update (fun(callback_data: any?): any?)?
---@field thread function?
---@field RESOURCE string
---@field INVOKING string?
---@field data any?
  • idx - The index of the interval.
  • callback - The function to call.
  • time - The time in milliseconds between each call. Default: 1000.
  • limit - The number of times to call the function. Default: -1 (infinite).
  • paused - Whether the interval is paused.
  • stopped - Whether the interval is stopped.
  • update - The function to call when the interval is updated.
  • thread - The thread function of the interval.
  • RESOURCE - The owning resource of the interval.
  • INVOKING - The invoking resource of the interval (if any).
  • data - The data of the interval.


Creates a new interval.

---@param callback fun(...: any): callback_data: any?
---@param time integer?
---@param limit integer?
---@return interval interval, integer idx
function interval.create(callback, time, limit)
  • callback - The function to call.
  • time - The time in milliseconds between each call. Default: 1000.
  • limit - The number of times to call the function. Default: -1 (infinite).
  • returns: interval, integer - The interval instance and the index of the interval.


Starts the interval.

---@param idx integer
---@param update (fun(callback_data: any?): any)?
---@param ... any
---@return interval interval
function interval.start(idx, update, ...)
  • idx - The index of the interval.
  • update - The function to call when the interval is updated.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the interval.
  • returns: interval - The interval instance.


Pauses the interval.

---@param idx integer
---@param pause boolean?
---@return boolean state
function interval.pause(idx, pause)
  • idx - The index of the interval.
  • pause - Whether to pause the interval. Toggle if not provided.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the interval is paused.


Stops the interval.

---@param idx integer
---@return interval interval
function interval.stop(idx)
  • idx - The index of the interval.
  • returns: interval - The interval instance.


Resumes a stopped interval.

---@param idx integer
---@param update (fun(callback_data: any?): any)?
---@param ... any
---@return interval interval
function interval.resume(idx, update, ...)
  • idx - The index of the interval.
  • update - The function to call when the interval is updated.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the interval.
  • returns: interval - The interval instance.


Updates the interval.

---@param idx integer
---@param callback fun(...: any): callback_data: any?
---@param update (fun(callback_data: any?): any)?
---@param time integer?
---@param limit integer?
---@return interval interval, integer idx
function interval.update(idx, callback, update, time, limit)
  • idx - The index of the interval.
  • callback - The function to call.
  • update - The function to call when the interval is updated.
  • time - The time in milliseconds between each call. Default: 1000.
  • limit - The number of times to call the function. Default: -1 (infinite).
  • returns: interval, integer - The interval instance and the index of the interval.


Destroys the interval.

---@param idx interval|integer
function interval.destroy(idx)
  • idx - The interval instance or the index of the interval.


CKDTree is a class that provides a KD-Tree implementation for use in spatial searches, but uses an integer-key array for holding each parent and it's children. For more information on KD-Trees, see the Wikipedia page.

This is a shared module, and can be used on both the client, server and shared enviroment.

Importing CKDTree

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.kdtree'
local kdtree = lib.require '@duff.shared.kdtree'

-- Attaching the kdtree to a local variable from CDuff
local kdtree = duff.kdtree


Creates a new KD-Tree.

---@param dimensions integer
---@return KDTree tree
  • dimensions - The number of dimensions for the KD-Tree.
  • returns: CKDTree - The new KD-Tree instance.

build (kdtree)

Builds the KD-Tree.

---@param points (vector|number[])[]|CKDTree
---@return KDTree tree
  • points - The points to build the KD-Tree from.
  • returns: CKDTree - The KD-Tree instance.


Inserts a point into the KD-Tree. Avoid using this function directly as it can cause the tree to become unbalanced.

---@param self CKDTree
---@param point vector|number[]
function kdtree.insert(self, point)
  • self - The KD-Tree instance.
  • point - The point to insert.


Checks if the KD-Tree contains a point.

---@param self CKDTree
---@param point vector|number[]
---@param margin number?
---@return boolean contains, integer? node_index
function kdtree.contains(self, point, margin)
  • self - The KD-Tree instance.
  • point - The point to check.
  • margin - The margin of error for the search. Default: 1e-10.
  • returns: boolean, integer - Whether the KD-Tree contains the point and the index of the point.


Removes a point from the KD-Tree. Avoid using this function directly as it can cause the tree to become unbalanced.

---@param self CKDTree
---@param point vector|number[]
---@return boolean removed, integer? node_index
function kdtree.remove(self, point)
  • self - The KD-Tree instance.
  • point - The point to remove.
  • returns: boolean, integer - Whether the point was removed and the index of the point.


Finds the nearest point in the KD-Tree to a given point.

---@param self CKDTree
---@param point vector|number[]
---@param radius number?
---@return vector|number? nearest_point, number? best_distance
function kdtree.neighbour(self, point, radius)
  • self - The KD-Tree instance.
  • point - The point to find the nearest point to.
  • radius - The radius to search within.
  • returns: vector|number, number - The nearest point and the distance to it.


Finds the nearest points in the KD-Tree to a given point.

---@param self CKDTree
---@param point vector|number[]
---@param radius number?
---@param limit integer?
---@return {dist: number, coords: vector|number[]}[] best_points
function kdtree.neighbours(self, point, radius, limit)
  • self - The KD-Tree instance.
  • point - The point to find the nearest points to.
  • radius - The radius to search within.
  • limit - The limit of points to return.
  • returns: table - The nearest points and their distances.


Finds all points in the KD-Tree within a given range of a point.

---@param self CKDTree
---@param min vector|number[]
---@param max vector|number[]
---@return (vector|number[])[] points
function kdtree.range(self, min, max)
  • self - The KD-Tree instance.
  • min - The minimum point.
  • max - The maximum point.
  • returns: table - The points within the range.


Saves the KD-Tree to a file.

---@param self CKDTree
---@param path string
---@return boolean saved
function kdtree.tofile(self, path)
  • self - The KD-Tree instance.
  • path - The path to save the KD-Tree to.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the KD-Tree was saved.


Loads the KD-Tree from a file.

---@param path string
---@return KDTree tree
function kdtree.fromfile(path)
  • path - The path to load the KD-Tree from.
  • returns: CKDTree - The KD-Tree instance.


CLocale is an object containing functions for localisation and translation. It's based on the i18n.lua library by kikito ref, and provides a simple way to manage translations in your FiveM scripts.

The module automatically uses the servers' convars to determine locale , both dialect and region. If the convars (sets locale) are not set, it defaults to en.

  • Interpolation
    • welcome = 'Hello, {name}!' -> locale.translate('welcome', {name = 'John'}) -> Hello, John! (where name is a key in the data table)
  • Fallbacks: When a value is not found, the lib has several fallback mechanisms:
    • First, it will look in the current locale's parents. For example, if the locale was set to 'en-US' and the key 'msg' was not found there, it will be looked over in 'en'.
    • Second, if the value is not found in the locale ancestry, a 'fallback locale' (by default: 'en') can be used. If the fallback locale has any parents, they will be looked over too.
    • Third, if all the locales have failed, but there is a param called 'default' on the provided data, it will be used.
  • Using files
    • The language files are stored in the locales folder in the resource root.
    • The files are named after the locale they represent, e.g. en.lua, en-US.lua, es.lua.

This is a shared module, and can be used on both the client, server and shared enviroment.

Importing CLocale

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.locale'
local locale = lib.require '@duff.shared.locale'

-- Attaching the locale to a local variable from CDuff
local locale = duff.locale


Sets a translation key to a value.

---@param key string
---@param value string
function locale.set(key, value)
  • key - A dot-separated key to set the translation value for.
  • value - The value to set the translation key to.


Loads a translation table from a table.

---@param context string?
---@param data {[string]: {[string]: string}|string}
function locale.load(context, data)
  • context - The context to load the translations into.
  • data - A table containing translation keys and values.

The table should contain translation keys and values.

locale.load(nil, {
  en = {
    welcome = 'Hello, {name}!',
    goodbye = 'Goodbye, {name}!',


Loads a translation table from a file.

---@param resource string?
---@param file string?
function locale.loadfile(resource, file)
  • resource - The resource name to load the translation file from, if not provided, it will use the invoking resource.
  • file - The file path to load the translation file from, if not provided, it will use the server's ConVar locale.

The file should return a table containing translation keys and values.

return {
  en = {
    welcome = 'Hello, {name}!',
    goodbye = 'Goodbye, {name}!',

You can also use a context to load translations into a specific context, or even load all translations into a single context.

return {
  en = {
    AU = {
      welcome = 'G\'day, {name}!',
      goodbye = 'Later, {name}!',
    US = {
      welcome = 'Howdy, {name}!',
      goodbye = 'See ya later, {name}!',
  es = {
    welcome = '¡Hola, {name}!',
    goodbye = '¡Adiós, {name}!',


This function has a wrapper function called t.

Translates a key to a value. This function also supports placeholders, which can be replaced by providing a table of data.

---@param key string
---@param data {[string]: string}?
---@return string? translation
function locale.translate(key, data)
  • key - The key to translate.
  • data - A table containing data to replace placeholders in the translation.
  • returns: string - The translated value.


CMath is an object containing some useful math functions. Most notably, it contains a seedrng function which generates a random seed based on the current time, and a random function which generates a random number between two values which should be an improvement over the default Lua pseudo-random number generator.

It also imports the default Lua math functions, so you can use it as a drop-in replacement for the default math library.

This is a shared module, and can be used on both the client, server and shared enviroment.

Importing the CMath

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.math'
local math = lib.require '@duff.shared.math'

-- Attaching the math to a local variable from CDuff
local math = duff.math


Checks if a value is between two other values.

---@param val number
---@param min number
---@param max number
---@return boolean is_between
function math.between(val, min, max)
  • val - The value to check.
  • min - The minimum value.
  • max - The maximum value.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the value is between the minimum and maximum values.


Clamps a value between two other values.

---@param value number
---@param min number
---@param max number
---@return number clamped
function math.clamp(value, min, max)
  • value - The value to clamp.
  • min - The minimum value.
  • max - The maximum value.
  • returns: number - The clamped value.


Calculates the greatest common divisor of two numbers.

---@param num integer
---@param den integer
---@return integer gcd
function math.gcd(num, den)
  • num - The numerator.
  • den - The denominator.
  • returns: integer - The greatest common divisor.


Checks if a number is a half, 1.5, 2.5, etc.

---@param value number
---@return boolean is_half
function math.ishalf(value)
  • value - The value to check.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the value is a half.


Checks if a number is an integer.

---@param value integer|number 
---@return boolean is_int
function math.isint(value)
  • value - The value to check.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the value is an integer.


Linearly interpolates between two values.

---@param a number
---@param b number
---@param t number
---@return number lerp
function math.lerp(a, b, t)
  • a - The start value.
  • b - The end value.
  • t - The interpolation value.
  • returns: number - The interpolated value.


---@param value number
---@param increment integer?
---@return number|integer
function math.round(value, increment)
  • value - The value to round.
  • increment - The increment to round to or nil.
  • returns: number|integer
    • returns the closest integer round from zero if increment is nil, otherwise;
    • returns the closest integer round to the increment.


Checks if a number is positive.

---@param value number
---@return integer sign
function math.sign(value)
  • value - The value to check.
  • returns: integer - 1 if val is positive, -1 if val is negative.


Generates a random seed based on the current time.

---@return integer seed
function math.seedrng()
  • returns: integer - The random seed.


Generates a random number between two values.

---@param min integer
---@param max integer?
---@return integer
function math.random(min, max)
  • min - The minimum value.
  • max - The maximum value or nil.
  • returns: integer
    • returns a random number between min and max if max is not nil, otherwise;
    • returns a random number between 0 and min.


Checks if time has passed a certain limit in milliseconds.

---@param time integer
---@param limit integer
---@return boolean has_excceeded
function math.timer(time, limit)
  • time - The time to check in milliseconds.
  • limit - The limit to check against in milliseconds.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the time has exceeded the limit.


Converts a number to a float.

---@param num integer
---@param den integer?
---@return number float
function math.tofloat(num, den)
  • num - The numerator.
  • den - The denominator or nil.
  • returns: number
    • returns the float value of num if den is nil, otherwise;
    • returns the float value of the rational number.


Converts a number to an integer, following the round half away from zero rule. Eg. 1.5 -> 2, -1.5 -> -2 Reference

---@param value number
---@return integer int
function math.toint(value)
  • value - The value to convert.
  • returns: integer - The integer value.


Converts a float to its rational form.

---@param value number
---@param precision number?
---@return integer num, integer den
function math.toratio(value, precision)
  • value - The value to convert.
  • precision
    • The maximum error allowed in the conversion, otherwise;
    • 1e-10 | 0.0000000001 is used.
  • returns: integer, integer - The rational number.


CPackage is a pure Lua implementation of the package library in Lua, providing a way to load modules from a specific path and cache them for future use.

This is a shared module, and can be used on both the client, server and shared enviroment.

Importing CPackage

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.package'
local package = lib.require '@duff.shared.package'

-- Attaching the package to a local variable from CDuff
local package = duff.package


The possible paths to search for modules. This is a string containing a semicolon-separated list of paths, editing this will change the paths that package will search for modules.

---@type './?.lua;./?/init.lua;./?/shared/import.lua;'


A table containing the preloaded modules for the package. You can add custom modules to this table, much like the package.preload table in Lua.

---@type {[string]: fun(env: table?): module|function}


A table containing the loaded modules for the package. You can add custom modules to this table, much like the package.loaded table in Lua.

---@type {[string]: {env: table, contents: (fun(): module|function), exported: module|function}}


A table containing the loaders for the package. You can add custom loaders to this table, much like the package.loaders table in Lua.

---@type (fun(mod_name: string, env: table?): module|function|false, string)[]


Searches for a module in a specific path and returns the path to the module.

---@param name string
---@param pattern string
---@return string path, string errmsg
function package.searchpath(name, pattern)
  • name - The name of the module to search for. This has to be a dot-separated path from resource to module (e.g. duff.shared.locale).
  • pattern - The pattern to search for, it should contain a ? which will be replaced by the module name.
  • returns: string, string - The path to the module, or the tried path and an error message.


Requires a module from a specific path and caches it for future use.

---@param name string
---@return function|{[string]: any} module
function package.require(name)
  • name - The name of the module to require. This has to be a dot-separated path from resource to module (e.g. duff.shared.locale).
  • returns: function|{[string]: any} - The module as a dictionary of functions, or the module function.


Imports a file environment and if it returns a module, allows exporting specific functions from the module.

---@param path string
---@param methods string[]
---@return {string: any}? module
function package.import(path, methods)
  • path - The path to the module to import. This has to be a dot-separated path from resource to module (e.g. duff.shared.locale).
  • methods - The methods to export from the module.
  • returns: {string: any}? - The module as a dictionary of functions, the module function or nil if the file doesn't return a module.


Changes the name of the last module required or imported.

---@param name string
  • name - The new name of the module.
as - Example
package.require 'duff.shared.locale' 'locale' ---@cast locale CLocale

locale.translate('welcome', {name = 'John'})


CPools is an object containing functions for managing the game's entity pools. It provides functions for getting the closest entity of a specific type, and getting all entities of a specific type.

This is a shared module, but has functions which are exclusive to their respective enviroments.

Importing CPools

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.client.pools'
local pools = lib.require '@duff.client.pools'

-- Attaching the pools to a local variable from CDuff
local pools = duff.pools

Shared Functions (pools)


Returns an array of all peds in the pool, filtered by ped_type if provided.

---@param ped_type integer|(fun(ped: integer, i: integer): boolean)?
---@return integer[] peds
function pools.getpeds(ped_type)
  • ped_type - Can be either;
    • integer - The ped type to filter by (client-side only). Found here.
    • function - A function with signature (ped: integer, i: integer) => boolean.
  • returns: integer[] - An array of all peds, filtered by ped_type if provided.

Returns an array of all vehicles in the pool, filtered by vehicle_type if provided.

---@param vehicle_type integer|string|(fun(vehicle: integer, i: integer): boolean)?
---@return integer[]? vehicles
function pools.getvehicles(vehicle_type)
  • vehicle_type - Can be either;
    • integer - The vehicle class to filter by (client-side only). Found here.
    • string - The vehicle type to filter by (server-side only). Found here.
    • function - A function with signature (vehicle: integer, i: integer) => boolean.
  • returns: integer[] - An array of all vehicles, filtered by vehicle_type if provided.

Returns an array of all objects in the pool, filtered by filter if provided.

---@param filter fun(object: integer, i: integer): boolean
---@return integer[]? objects
function pools.getobjects()
  • filter - A function with signature (object: integer, i: integer) => boolean.
  • returns: integer[] - An array of all objects, filtered by filter if provided.

Returns the closest ped to a specified position, filtered by ped_type if provided, and within a specified radius.

---@param check integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number}|number[]?
---@param ped_type integer|(fun(ped: integer, i: integer): boolean)?
---@param radius number?
---@param excluding integer|integer[]?
---@return integer? ped, number? dist, integer[]? peds
function pools.getclosestped(check, ped_type, radius, excluding)
  • check - The value to check, can be;
    • integer - The entity to get the position of.
    • table - The table containing x, y, z and w keys.
    • number[] - The array containing the values.
    • vector - The vector to check.
  • ped_type - Can be either;
    • integer - The ped type to filter by (client-side only). Found here.
    • function - A function with signature (ped: integer, i: integer) => boolean.
  • radius - The radius to check within.
  • excluding - The ped or peds to ignore.
  • returns: integer, number, integer[] - The closest ped, the distance to the ped, and an array of all peds.

Returns the closest vehicle to a specified position, filtered by vehicle_type if provided, and within a specified radius.

---@param check integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number}|number[]?
---@param vehicle_type integer|string|(fun(vehicle: integer, i: integer): boolean)?
---@param radius number?
---@param excluding integer|integer[]?
---@return integer? vehicle, number? distance, integer[]? vehicles
function pools.getclosestvehicle(check, vehicle_type, radius, excluding)
  • check - The value to check, can be;
    • integer - The entity to get the position of.
    • table - The table containing x, y, z and w keys.
    • number[] - The array containing the values.
    • vector - The vector to check.
  • vehicle_type - Can be either;
    • integer - The vehicle class to filter by (client-side only). Found here.
    • string - The vehicle type to filter by (server-side only). Found here.
    • function - A function with signature (vehicle: integer, i: integer) => boolean.
  • radius - The radius to check within.
  • excluding - The vehicle or vehicles to ignore.
  • returns: integer, number, integer[] - The closest vehicle, the distance to the vehicle, and an array of all vehicles.

Returns the closest object to a specified position, within a specified radius.

---@param check integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number}|number[]?
---@param filter (fun(object: integer, i: integer): boolean)?
---@param radius number?
---@param excluding integer|integer[]?
---@return integer? object, number? distance, integer[]? objects
function pools.getclosestobject(check, radius, excluding)
  • check - The value to check, can be;
    • integer - The entity to get the position of.
    • table - The table containing x, y, z and w keys.
    • number[] - The array containing the values.
    • vector - The vector to check.
  • filter - A function with signature (object: integer, i: integer) => boolean.
  • radius - The radius to check within.
  • excluding - The object or objects to ignore.
  • returns: integer, number, integer[] - The closest object, the distance to the object, and an array of all objects.

Client Functions (pools)


Returns an array of all pickups in the pool, filtered by hash if provided.

---@param hash string|number|(fun(pickup: integer, i: integer): boolean)?
---@return integer[]? pickups
function pools.getpickups(hash)
  • hash - Can be either;
    • string - The name of the pickup, e.g. 'PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL'.
    • number - The hash of the pickup, e.g. 4189041807 or `PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL`.
    • function - A function with signature (pickup: integer, i: integer) => boolean.
  • returns: integer[] - An array of all pickups.

Returns the closest pickup to a specified position, filtered by hash if provided, and within a specified radius.

---@param check integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number}|number[]?
---@param hash string|number|(fun(pickup: integer, i: integer): boolean)?
---@param radius number?
---@param excluding integer|integer[]?
---@return integer? pickup, number? distance, array? pickups
function pools.getclosestpickup(check, hash, radius, excluding)
  • check - The value to check, can be;
    • integer - The entity to get the position of.
    • table - The table containing x, y, z and w keys.
    • number[] - The array containing the values.
    • vector - The vector to check.
  • hash - Can be either;
    • string - The name of the pickup, e.g. 'PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL'.
    • number - The hash of the pickup, e.g. 4189041807 or `PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL`.
    • function - A function with signature (pickup: integer, i: integer) => boolean.
  • radius - The radius to check within.
  • excluding - The pickup or pickups to ignore.
  • returns: integer, number, integer[] - The closest pickup, the distance to the pickup, and an array of all pickups.


CVector is an object containing functions for vector math. It provides functions for vector operations, conversions and checks.

This is a shared module, but has functions which are exclusive to their respective enviroments.

Importing CVector

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.shared.vector'
local vector = lib.require '@duff.shared.vector'

-- Attaching the vecmath to a local variable from CDuff
local vector = duff.vector

Shared Functions (vector)


Checks if a value is a vector.

---@param value any
---@return boolean is_vector
function vector.isvec(value)
  • value - The value to check.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the value is a vector.

Converts a vector to a double-precision binary string.

---@param vec vector
---@return string bin
function vector.tobin(vec)
  • vec - The vector to convert.
  • returns: string - The binary string.

Converts a double-precision binary string to a vector.

---@param bin string
---@return vector vec
function vector.frombin(bin)
  • bin - The binary string to convert.
  • returns: vector - The vector.

Returns a vector from an entity or a table.

---@param value integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number?, w: number?}|number[]
---@return vector|integer vec
function vector.tovec(value)
  • value - The value to convert, can be;
    • integer - The entity to get the position of.
    • table - The table containing x, y, z and w keys.
    • number[] - The array containing the values.
  • returns: vector|integer - vector if the value had a valid position, otherwise 0.

Finds the closest vector3 in an array to a given vector3.

---@param check integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number?, w: number?}|number[]
---@param tbl (integer|vector)[]
---@param radius number?
---@param excluding (integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number?, w: number?}|number[])[]?
---@return integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number?, w: number?}|number[]? closest, number? dist, (integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number?, w: number?}|number[])[]? closests
function vector.getclosest(check, list, radius, ignore)
  • check - The value to check, can be;
    • integer - The entity to get the position of.
    • table - The table containing x, y, z and w keys.
    • number[] - The array containing the values.
    • vector - The vector to check.
  • tbl - The array of values to check against, can be;
    • integer[] - An array of entities.
    • vector[] - An array of vectors.
    • table[] - An array of tables containing x, y, z and w keys.
    • number[] - An array of arrays containing the values.
  • radius - The radius to check within.
  • excluding - The array of values to ignore, can be;
    • integer[] - An array of entities.
    • vector[] - An array of vectors.
    • table[] - An array of tables containing x, y, z and w keys.
    • number[] - An array of arrays containing the values.
  • returns:;
    • integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number?, w: number?}|number[] - The closest value,
    • number - The distance to the closest value,
    • (integer|vector|{x: number, y: number, z: number?, w: number?}|number[])[] - The closest values.

Client Functions (vector)


Returns the right vector of an entity. Based on FiveM and VenomXNL's GetEntityRight function, see ref.

---@param entity integer
---@return vector3 right
function vector.getentityright(entity)
  • entity - The entity to get the right vector of.
  • returns: vector3 - The right vector.

Returns the up vector of an entity. Based on FiveM and VenomXNL's GetEntityUp function, see ref.

---@param entity integer
---@return vector3 up
function vector.getentityup(entity)
  • entity - The entity to get the up vector of.
  • returns: vector3 - The up vector.

Server Functions (vector)


Returns the matrix of an entity. The matrix is a table containing the forward, right, up and position vectors. Based on FiveM and draobrehtom's GetEntityMatrix function, see ref.

---@param entity integer
---@return vector3 forward, vector3 right, vector3 up, vector3 pos
function vector.getentitymatrix(entity)
  • entity - The entity to get the matrix of.
  • returns: vector3, vector3, vector3, vector3 - The forward, right, up and position vectors.

Returns the forward vector of an entity.

---@param entity integer
---@return vector3 forward
function vector.getentityforward(entity)
  • entity - The entity to get the forward vector of.
  • returns: vector3 - The forward vector.

Returns the offset from an entity in world coordinates. Based on FiveM and draobrehtom's GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords function, see ref.

---@param entity integer
---@param offsetX number
---@param offsetY number
---@param offsetZ number
---@return vector3 offset
function vector.getoffsetfromentityinworldcoords(entity, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ)
  • entity - The entity to get the offset from.
  • offsetX - The x offset.
  • offsetY - The y offset.
  • offsetZ - The z offset.
  • returns: vector3 - The offset in world coordinates.


trace is a function that prints a message to the console with the file name, line number and passed arguments.

Importing trace

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
local trace = lib.require '@duff.shared.trace'

-- Attaching the trace to a local variable from CDuff
local trace = duff.trace

trace (function)

Prints a message to the console with the file name, line number and passed arguments. It's based on FiveM and Lume's trace functions, see ref.

This is a shared module, and can be used on both the client, server and shared enviroment.

---@param trace_type 'error'|'warn'|'info'|'debug'
---@param ... any
function trace(trace_type, ...)
  • trace_type - The type of trace to print.
    • error - Prefixes the message with 'SCRIPT ERROR:' and prints in red.
    • warn - Prefixes the message with 'SCRIPT WARNING:' and prints in yellow.
    • info - Prefixes the message with 'SCRIPT INFO:' and prints in light blue.
    • debug - Prefixes the message with 'SCRIPT DEBUG:' and prints in white.
  • ... - The arguments to print.


CBlips is an object containing functions for managing blips. It provides functions for getting all blips, onscreen blips, blips by coordinates, blips by sprite, blips by type, getting blip information and removing blips.

This is a client module, and can only be used in the client enviroment.

Importing CBlips

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.client.blips'
local blips = lib.require '@duff.client.blips'

-- Attaching the blips to a local variable from CDuff
local blips = duff.blips


Returns an array of all active blips handles.

---@return integer[] blip_ids
function blips.getall()
  • returns: integer[] - An array of all active blips handles.


Returns an array of all blips handles currently on the minimap.

---@return integer[]? blip_ids
function blips.onscreen()
  • returns: integer[] - An array of all blips handles currently on the minimap.


Finds all blips within radius of coords.

---@param coords vector3|vector3[]
---@param radius number?
---@return integer[]? blip_ids
function blips.bycoords(coords, radius)
  • coords - The coordinates to check. Can be a single vector3 or an array of vector3s.
  • radius - The radius to check within.
  • returns: integer[] - An array of all blips within the radius of the coordinates.


Finds all blips with sprite.

---@param sprite integer
---@return integer[]? blip_ids
function blips.bysprite(sprite)
  • sprite - The sprite to check for.
  • returns: integer[] - An array of all blips with the sprite.


Finds all blips with type.

---@param type integer
---@return integer[]? blip_ids
function blips.bytype(type)
  • type - The type to check for.
    • 1 - Vehicle.
    • 2 - Ped.
    • 3 - Object.
    • 4 - Coord.
    • 5 - Unk.
    • 6 - Pickup.
    • 7 - Radius.
  • returns: integer[] - An array of all blips with the type


Returns an array of all blips, filtered by filter.

---@param filter fun(blip: integer, i: integer): boolean
---@return integer[] blip_ids
function blips.getblips(filter)
  • filter - A filter function with the signature (ped: integer, index: integer): boolean.
  • returns: integer[] - An array of all blips, that pass filter.


Returns information about a blip.

---@param blip integer
---@return {alpha: integer, coords: vector3, colour: integer, display: integer, fade: boolean, hud_colour: integer, type: integer, rotation: number, is_shortrange: boolean}? blip_info
function blips.getinfo(blip)
  • blip - The blip handle.
  • returns: table - The blip information.
  alpha = 255, -- The alpha value of the blip.
  coords = vector3, -- The coordinates of the blip.
  colour = 0, -- The colour of the blip.
  display = 2, -- The display of the blip.
  fade = false, -- Whether the blip fades.
  hud_colour = 0, -- The HUD colour of the blip.
  type = 1, -- The type of the blip.
  rotation = 0.0, -- The rotation of the blip.
  is_shortrange = false, -- Whether the blip is short range.

remove (blips)

Removes a blip or an array of blips.

---@param blips integer|integer[]
function blips.remove(blips)
  • blips - The blip handle or an array of blip handles.


CScaleform is an object containing functions for managing scaleforms. It provides functions for creating, setting, and rendering scaleforms.

This is a client module, and can only be used in the client enviroment.

Importing CScaleform

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.client.scaleform'
local scaleform = lib.require '@duff.client.scaleform'

-- Attaching the scaleform to a local variable from CDuff
local scaleform = duff.scaleform


The var args passed to the scaleforms is parsed, with each method being called with the correct arguments. This means there's special handling for certain types of arguments.

  • string - Checks if the string is one of three brief types (dialogue_brief|help_brief|mission_brief), if so, it adds the param with ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamLatestBriefString otherwise it adds the param with BeginTextCommandScaleformString.
  • number - Adds the param with ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamInt if the number is an integer, otherwise it adds the param with ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamFloat.
  • boolean - Adds the param with ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamBool.
  • {texture: boolean, name: string} - Adds the param with ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamTextureNameString.


Calls Scaleforms with BeginScaleformMovieMethod.

---@param scaleform_handle integer
---@param method string
---@param ... any
---@return any? result
function scaleform.callmain(scaleform_handle, method, ...)
  • scaleform_handle - The scaleform handle.
  • method - The method to call.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the method.
  • returns: any - The result of the method.


Calls Scaleforms with BeginScaleformMovieMethodOnFrontend.

---@param method string
---@param ... any
---@return any? result
function scaleform.callfrontend(method, ...)
  • method - The method to call.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the method.
  • returns: any? - The result of the method.


Calls Scaleforms with BeginScaleformMovieMethodOnFrontendHeader.

---@param method string
---@param ... any
---@return any? result
function scaleform.callfrontendheader(method, ...)
  • method - The method to call.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the method.
  • returns: any? - The result of the method.


Calls Scaleforms with BeginScaleformScriptHudMovieMethod.

---@param hud_component integer
---@param method string
---@param ... any
---@return any? result
function scaleform.callhud(hud_component, method, ...)
  • hud_component - The HUD component to call.
  • method - The method to call.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the method.
  • returns: any? - The result of the method.


CStreaming is an object containing functions for loading game assets. It provides functions for loading animation dictionaries, animation sets, collisions, IPLs, models and particle effects.

This is a client module.

Importing CStreaming

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.client.streaming'
local streaming = lib.require '@duff.client.streaming'

-- Attaching the streaming to a local variable from CDuff
local streaming = duff.streaming


Loads an animation dictionary.

---@param dict string
---@return boolean loaded
function streaming.loadanimdict(dict)

---@param dict string
---@return boolean? loaded
function streaming.await.loadanimdict(dict)
  • dict - The animation dictionary to load.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the animation dictionary was loaded.


Loads an animation set.

---@param set string
---@return boolean loaded
function streaming.loadanimset(set)

---@param set string
---@return boolean? loaded
function streaming.await.loadanimset(set)
  • set - The animation set to load.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the animation set was loaded.


Loads a Ambient, Mission or Script audio bank.

---@param bank string
---@param networked boolean?
---@return boolean loaded
function streaming.loadaudio(bank, networked)

---@param bank string
---@param networked boolean?
---@return boolean? loaded
function streaming.await.loadaudio(bank, networked)
  • bank - The audio bank to load.
  • networked - Whether the audio bank is networked.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the audio bank was loaded.


Loads a collision for a model.

---@param model string|number
---@return boolean loaded
function streaming.loadcollision(model)

---@param model string|number
---@return boolean? loaded
function streaming.await.loadcollision(model)
  • model - The model to load the collision for, can be either;
    • string - The name of the model, e.g. 'prop_money_bag_01'.
    • number - The hash of the model, e.g. 0x5099E8AF or `prop_money_bag_01`.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the collision was loaded.


Loads an IPL.

---@param ipl string
---@return boolean loaded
function streaming.loadipl(ipl)

---@param ipl string
---@return boolean? loaded
function streaming.await.loadipl(ipl)
  • ipl - The IPL to load.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the IPL was loaded.


Loads a model.

---@param model string|number
---@return boolean loaded
function streaming.loadmodel(model)

---@param model string|number
---@return boolean? loaded
function streaming.await.loadmodel(model)
  • model - The model to load, can be either;
    • string - The name of the model, e.g. 'prop_money_bag_01'.
    • number - The hash of the model, e.g. 0x5099E8AF or `prop_money_bag_01`.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the model was loaded.


Loads a particle effect.

---@param fx string
---@return boolean loaded
function streaming.loadptfx(fx)

---@param fx string
---@return boolean? loaded
function streaming.await.loadptfx(fx)
  • fx - The particle effect to load.
  • returns: boolean - Whether the particle effect was loaded.


CScopes is an object containing functions for managing scope. It provides functions for getting a player's scope, triggering a scope event and creating a synced scope event.

This is a server module.

Importing CScopes

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.server.scopes'
local scopes = lib.require '@duff.server.scopes'

-- Attaching the scope to a local variable from CDuff
local scopes = duff.scopes


Returns a player's scope.

---@param player number|integer
---@return {[string]: boolean} Scope
function scopes.getplayerscope(player)
  • player - The player to get the scope of.
  • returns: {[string]: boolean} - The player's scope.


Triggers a scope event.

---@param event string
---@param owner number|integer
---@param ... any
---@return {[string]: boolean}? targets
function scopes.triggerscopeevent(event, owner, ...)
  • event - The event to trigger.
  • owner - The owner of the event.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the event.
  • returns: {[string]: boolean} - The targets of the event.


Creates a synced scope event.

---@param event string
---@param owner number|integer
---@param timer integer?
---@param duration integer?
---@param ... any
function scopes.createsyncedscopeevent(event, owner, timer, duration, ...)
  • event - The event to create.
  • owner - The owner of the event.
  • timer - The time in milliseconds between each event.
  • duration - The duration in milliseconds of the event.
  • ... - The arguments to pass to the event.


Removes a synced scope event.

---@param event string
function scopes.removesyncedscopeevent(event)
  • event - The event to remove.


CMapZones is an object containing functions for managing map zones. It functions similar to PolyZone and ox_libs' CZone, but is server-side only, whilst providing the same functionality and more.

This is a server module.

Importing CMapZones

-- Using the `require` function from `ox_lib`
---@module 'duff.server.map_zones'
local zones = lib.require '@duff.server.map_zones'

-- Attaching the zone to a local variable from CDuff
local zones = duff.zones

contains (zone)

Checks if a zone contains a point.

---@param coords vector3|{x: number, y: number, z: number}|number[]
---@return boolean contains, integer index
function zones.contains(coords)
  • coords - The coordinates to check, can be;
    • vector3 - The vector to check.
    • {x: number, y: number, z: number} - The table containing x, y, z keys.
    • number[] - The array containing the coordinates.
  • returns: boolean, integer - Whether the zone contains the point and the zone index.


Returns a zone by index.

---@param index integer
---@return {Name: string, DisplayName: string, Bounds: {Minimum: {X: number, Y: number, Z: number}, Maximum: {X: number, Y: number, Z: number}}}? zone
function zones.getzone(index)
  • index - The index of the zone.
  • returns: table - The zone information.
    • Name - The name of the zone.
    • DisplayName - The display name of the zone.
    • Bounds - The bounds of the zone.
      • Minimum - The minimum bounds.
        • {X: number, Y: number, Z: number}
      • Maximum - The maximum bounds.
        • {X: number, Y: number, Z: number}


Returns a zone name by coordinates.

---@param coords vector3|{x: number, y: number, z: number}|number[]
---@return string name
function zones.getzonename(coords)
  • coords - The coordinates to check, can be;
    • vector3 - The vector to check.
    • {x: number, y: number, z: number} - The table containing x, y, z keys.
    • number[] - The array containing the coordinates.
  • returns: string - The name of the zone.


Returns a zone index by coordinates.

---@param coords vector3|{x: number, y: number, z: number}|number[]
---@return integer index
function zones.getzoneindex(coords)
  • coords - The coordinates to check, can be;
    • vector3 - The vector to check.
    • {x: number, y: number, z: number} - The table containing x, y, z keys.
    • number[] - The array containing the coordinates.
  • returns: integer - The index of the zone.


Returns a zone by name.

---@param name string
---@return integer index
function zones.getzonefromname(name)
  • name - The name of the zone, both name and display name are accepted.
  • returns: integer - The index of the zone.


Adds a zone event.

---@param event string
---@param zone_id integer|vector3|{x: number, y: number, z: number}|number[]|string
---@param onEnter fun(player: string, coords: vector3)?
---@param onExit fun(player: string, coords: vector3, disconnected: boolean?)?
---@param time integer?
---@param player string?
function zones.addzoneevent(event, zone_id, onEnter, onExit, time, players)
  • event - The event to add.
  • zone_id - The zone to add the event to, can be;
    • integer - The index of the zone.
    • vector3 - The vector to check.
    • {x: number, y: number, z: number} - The table containing x, y, z keys.
    • number[] - The array containing the coordinates.
    • string - The name of the zone.
  • onEnter - The function to call when a player enters the zone.
  • onExit - The function to call when a player exits the zone.
  • time - The time in milliseconds between each event.
  • player - The player to trigger the event for, if nil all players are checked.


Removes a zone event.

---@param event string
function zone.removezoneevent(event)
  • event - The event to remove.