Quick script to encrypt and decrypt a YAML file storing passwords with the Blowfish algorithm. The YAML file is used to store accounts' login credentials. As its format is customized to my own needs, Blowyaml is more an example than a real use case. In any way, I hope it's at least of some inspiration to you.
- pycrypto
- pyyaml
I'm using a customized way to keep login informations in the YAML format. Blowyaml is based on this so _it works for me_™.
Basically there is a key (the one you search for with Blowyaml's -s
that contains 1 or more (in the case of multiple accounts to the same site)
associative arrays with the login name, password, url etc. A visual example will
be clearer
Sitename: { url: www.thissite.com, name: "myloginname", password: "mypassword"}
this is the basic. For multiple accounts I chose
Sitename: { url: www.thesite.com,
Account1: { name: "loginname1", password: "password1"},
Account2: { name: "loginname2", password: "password2"},
and so on. Self-explanatory.
Occasionally I add a
disabled: true
at the end of the array to mark sites that I don't use anymore. It may be because the site died some time ago (and I like to keep login credentials anyway just to remember what passwords I already used) or because I don't find it useful anymore but it doesn't allow deleting the account (damn you!)
- Python3 support