Downloads the text-based contents of a specified subreddit, then packages them into html file for offline browsing
Dependencies: Python 3, Praw (install on linux with pip3 install praw)
In order to use, you must have an app registered under your reddit account. Once you have that, open and put your credentials in the appropriate variables (client_id, client_secret, username, and password)
Command Line Arguments:
-h, --help: show the help message and exit
-s SUBREDDIT, --subreddit SUBREDDIT: Choose a subreddit to download (required!)
-st SORT, --sort SORT: Choose whether to download hot, new, or top. If unused, will get new
-p POSTS, --posts POSTS: Choose how many posts to download, default is unlimited
-nc, --nocomments: Do not download comments
-ncs, --nocss: Do not add css
Note that using only the '-s' argument and no others will result in downloading all posts, starting with new ones, including comments