Stack Bubbling
This project was developed for SOEN341 at Concordia University for the Fall 2021 semester. This web app allows users to post questions that can be answered by other users.
To develop a question and answer platform. The goal is to create a simple version of Stack Overflow.
- Asking and answering questions
- Voting on the answers given
- Accepting the best answer given
- Notifications for voting, answering questions and accepting best answers.
Anas Peerzada - DrakeHunterK7 - 40040127
Vrajesh Patel - vrajp434 - 40099091
Dushaani Manickam - Dushaani - 40086993
Matthias Ho - massdarkness11 - 40066059
Yuchen Huang - ChenChenYellow - 40110757
Lei Zhou - AutoSleep - 27291515
Hadi Hawi - Hadihw - 40096690
Christian Sfeir - Christsfeir - 40120536
- Javascript
- Python
Framework and Tools:
- React
- Bootrasp
- Axios
- Flask
- MongoDB