Releases: Dreaming381/lsss-wip
Releases · Dreaming381/lsss-wip
Nothing was really changed in this release for the actual game.
No new gameplay features or content was added. Only the internals were updated for a better experience. These include:
- Improved audio, especially on missions with more chaotic audio
- Improved random number job scheduling (likely not measurable)
- Improved scene initialization logic reducing thread synchronization (slightly faster mission loading)
Patch fixes for scenes and cursor Some of the stress test missions had invalid scene references. Also n + 0 broke the mouse cursor. Lastly, a bugfix made in the framework after the push of LSSS for looped audio is now in LSSS again. CSoundUnity has been removed since it wasn't used and has problems building for Linux.
New factions, new missions, new graphics settings, and fully procedural sounds
First public release. Try it out and have fun modifying it.