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Chandler Haukap edited this page Feb 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

The file dictates what output the program will generate. The program expects this file to contain 16 inputs separated by 1 or more spaces on a single line. You may use the # character at the beginning to any line to add a comment to the file.

The inputs, in the order that they appear, are

Summary Yearly Header Sep YearNumber Disturbance PPT PClass Temp GroupBiomass GroupPR GroupSize GroupWildfire GroupPrescribedFire SpeciesBiomass Indivuals


This is the overall controller for biomass output.

  • y will cause biomass statistics to be output.
  • n will silence all biomass output.


Determines if output will be printed for every year of the simulation.

  • y will generate an output file for every iteration of the program with year-by-year statistics.
  • n will silence this output.


Determines if the output files contain a header line.

  • y will generate a header line.
  • n will prevent a header line.


The character that will separate every entry in the output.

  • Any single character can be specified here, but we recommend always using a comma (,).


Determines if the year number will be included in the output files.

  • y will include the year number.
  • n will prevent the year number.


Determines if disturbances (with the exclusion of fire) will be included as a column in the output files.

  • y will include disturbance information.
  • n will not include disturbance information.


Determines if the precipitation, measured in cm, will be output as a column.

  • y will include precipitation.
  • n will not.


Determines if the precipitation class (wet/dry/normal) will be output for the year. This input only applies if the Yearly flag is set to y.

  • y will output the precipitation class.
  • n will not.


Determines if the temperature will be output as a column.

  • y will output temperature.
  • n will not.


Determines if the summed biomass of the group will be output as a column.

  • y will output group biomass,
  • n will not.


Determines if the group's proportion of resources will be output as a column.

  • y will output group proportion of resources.
  • n will not.


Determines if the relative size (% biomass compared to a full-sized individual) of the group will be output as a column.

  • y will output the relative size.
  • n will not.


Determines if wildfire occurrences will be output as a column.

  • y will output wildfire occurrences.
  • n will not.


Determines if prescribed fire occurrences will be output as a column.

  • y will output prescribed fire occurances.
  • n will not.


Determines if the species biomass will be output as a column.

  • y will output the species biomass.
  • n will not.


Determines if the number of individuals of every species will be output as columns.

  • y will output the number of individuals.
  • n will not.

Example file

# Sumry Yearly Header Sep YrNum Disturb PPT PClass Temp GrpBmass GrpPR GrpSize GrpWf GrpPf SppBmass Indivs
     y      n	   y   ,     y      n   y     n     y       y     y      y     y      y       y      y

In this example statistics will be output for the entire simulation, but not for each year. There will be a header, and the entries will be separated by a comma. Year number will be output but disturbances will not. Precipitation will be output but precipitation class will not. Temperature, Group biomass, Group size, wildfire, prescribed fire, species biomass and the number of individuals will all be output.

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