💻 Required Hardware
- MSP430FR2355 Launchpad
- Arduino Board
- DHT11 Sensor
- 2 7-Segment LEDs
- Breadboard
- Jump wires
- Resistors
Optional Hardware
- LEDs
- Blue-cap button
- IR Receiver
- Potentiometer
💾 Software
- For the MSP430FR2355 code, it might be the easiest to just install Code Composer IDE from TI and add the MSP430FR2355 directories to the your workspace.
- For the Arduino code, it is obvious that you need to open the sketches (.ino file) in the Arduino IDE.
- clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/DucAnh-Vu-Trinh/MSP430FR2355_Arduino_Temperature_and_OtherStuff.git
- Add the MSP430FR2355 directory to Code Composer Workspace; or create a new project and add the source code there
Project Settings
- msp430fr2355 microcontroller
- C project
Open the Arduino.ino in the Arduino directory with Arduino IDE
build the programe into MSP430FR2355 and Arduino
✅ MSP430FR2355 communicates with Arduino by SPI Protocol. MSP is the MASTER and Arduino is the SLAVE
✅ MSP430FR2355 use TIMERB0 to request temperature data from the Arduino every 10 seconds
✅ I write the CustomGPIO library so you can set up Input/ Output pin in MSP430FR2355 like you do in Arduino
- Input pin with the Pull up/ Pull down resistor
✅ I write the SevenSegment library so you can quickly set up the Seven Segment LEDs with MSP430FR2355
✅ MSP430FR2355 samples voltages from the potentiometer by the ADC Peripheral
✅ MSP430FR2355 uses UART to transmit and receive data to and from the serial monitor
✅ MSP430FR2355 use TIMERB1 to calculate miliseconds for stepper motor
- ✅ Connect with DHT11 Temp/ Humidity sensors and send data to MSP430FR2355 by SPI
- ✅ Connect with a seven-segement led
- ✅ Connect with IR receiver
- ✅ Connect with RGB Led