Functions for performing connectome-based predictive modeling (CPM) analysis, including some functions that involve integration with the Conn toolbox (though any program can be used to generate functional connectivity matrices for input to these functions).
Setup (before using this code):
- (only if using the CONN toolbox): Preprocess your dataset in Conn, including extraction of ROIs from an atlas file (see utils) selected as an "atlas file" within Conn
- (only if using the CONN toolbox): Extract head motion as frame-wise displacement in Conn (Setup > Covariates 1st level > Covariate tools > Compute new/derived first-level covariates > Compute 'FD_jenkinson')
- In startup.m file, specify the parent directory of your dataset folders. Example (change to your specific directory): global globalDataDir; globalDataDir='/work/kucyilab/Aaron/data';
- Create a .mat cell array file with a list of subject names included in your project (as ordered in CONN if you're using it)
- Create a .mat file with a vector of behavioral scores for each subject
extract_CONN_atlas_FC.m: extracts functional connectivity matrices (from atlas) and mean FD from a CONN project, then merges across subjects (for input to CPM_internal.m)
CPM_internal.m: runs CPM within a dataset (kfold, leave one out, or use entire dataset to define and save model parameters)
CPM_internal_permute.m: runs permutation test to assess significance
CPM_external.m: test CPM (defined by CPM_internal.m output) in external data
CPM_view_networks.m: view intra- and inter-network contributions to positive and negative edges of a pre-computed CPM
univariate_SchaeferYeo.m: correlate behavior vs. connectivity between all intra- and inter-network pairs in the Schaefer atlas; apply FDR correction