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Software for the automated money managment of (Privat) LAN parties.


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LAN-Party Manager

Tested on Windows 10/11 and Linux Debian 11/Ubuntu 22.04


  • Member regestration & administration
  • Powerplug monitoring & administration
  • Buffet Selection & Managment
  • Advanced permission and group managment with custom groups
  • Pushnotifications (via Telegram)
  • Dynamic cost calculation by user
  • LAN Guests can add sub-users to their account with custom permissions and budget
  • Food order managment
  • Fully translated*
  • Build in monitoring, will notify if something is wrong with web, telegram or plugclients.
  • Realtime Logs available via websocket
  • Invoices
  • Donations

*German**, English, Italian**, French, Ukrainian, Bavarian**, Upper Austrian**
**Translated by a native speaker of that language.


  • NodeJS 16 or above
  • PostgreSQL
  • PM2 Process Manager
  • InfluxDB 2.0 (Optional)

Required config

There are multiple configs available in the config folder. You have to modify some of them to get the application running. mainconfig.json

    "SudoUser": "206921999", // Telegram Userid where some permission checks are skipped
    "LanName": "Sommerlan 2021", // Name of the LAN-Party (Or whatever you use this project for)
    "LanDauer": 8, // Duration of the LAN-Party in days
    "RegTokenLength": 32, // Leave it as is, its good enoth for 2022
    "WebTokenLength": 64, // Leave it as is, its good enoth for 2022
    "KontoInhaber": "Viktor", // Name of the account holder
    "KontoIban": "AT....", // IBAN of the account
    "KontoBank": "Österreichische Bank lol", // Name of the bank
    "Verwendungszweg": "Lan2021", // Purpose of the payment
    "LanChat": -1001675639034 // Telegram Chatid where all users are in (Notification Chat)

Please do NOT use float values in your prices, use integers instead.

    "FixKostenProTag": 1875, // Price that will be added per day of the stay to pay in advance. (In cents)
    "PauschalKosten": {
        "Wasser": {
            "Preis": 100, // Extra costs for water the user used to shower / toilet (In cents)
            "Beschreibung": "Wasserpauschale" // Key for the translator, only modify if you know what you are doing
        "Strom": {
            "Preis": 500, // Extra costs for electricity the user used for light (In cents)
            "Beschreibung": "Strompauschale" // Key for the translator, only modify if you know what you are doing
        "Verbrauchsgüter": {
            "Preis": 400, // Extra costs for consumables (Toiletpaper, Soap, etc) the user used (In cents)
            "Beschreibung": "Verbrauchsgüterpauschale" // Key for the translator, only modify if you know what you are doing
        "Netzwerk": {
            "Preis": 500, // Extra costs for the network the user used (In cents)
            "Beschreibung": "Netzwerkpauschale" // Key for the translator, only modify if you know what you are doing
        "StromKWH": {
            "Preis": 1000, // Cost per kwh thats used by his powerplug (In cents)
            "Beschreibung": "KostenKWH" // Key for the translator, only modify if you know what you are doing
    "SnackBar": {
		//Add as many items as you like, those are part of your buffet (Like a snack and minibar)
	"Spende": {
            "Name": "Spende", // Name of the item
            "Hersteller": "EBG.PW", // Manufacturer of the item
            "Preis": 100, // Price of the item (per item, in cents)
            "Menge": 500 // Amount of items available

List all your powerplugs here, you can define as many controlers as you like with any amount of plugs.
Requirements: IP adresses MUST be available buy the software called plugclient.
The token is used to authenticate the plugclient!

    "conrolpers": [
            "ControlerName": "Home",
            "token": "HomeTs",
            "Plugs": [
                    "IP": ""
                    "IP": ""
                    "IP": ""
                    "IP": ""
                    "IP": ""


  • Clone this repo
  • Check the "Required config" section of the readme
  • Run npm run install and follow the instructions
  • Run /loadplugs in Telegram as admin
  • Run /loadprices in Telegram as admin
  • Build the plugclient (Or use the prebuild one)
  • Run the plugclient plugclient -t <token> or use plugclient -h for more options

Telegram Commands


  • /start - Start the registration process
  • /hauptmenu - Show the main menu


  • /admin [add/rem/list] - Add, remove or list admins
  • /loadplugs - Load all powerplugs from the config
  • /loadprices - Load all prices from the config
  • /geninvoices - Generate invoices for all users



Methode Route Permissions Parameter Description
POST /check - - Will check if your token is valid


Methode Route Permissions Parameter Description
GET / - - Show Stats of the Relay
GET /raw - - Show Raw Data of the Relay


You can subscribe to the following events without any authentification:
Route /webuser, Payload: {"event": "subscribe_totalpower", "data_payload": {}} this will push you total power usage.
You can subscribe to the applications log with your webtoken as authentication:
Router /webuser, Payload {"event": "subscribe_logs", "data_payload": {"webtoken": "Your Admin Webtoken"}} you can also add the ID parameter to subscribe to a specific pm2_process log.


Every route or group of routes got a set permission, a list is here: Admin:

Permission Description
admin_all Permissions to everything
admin_bestellungen Can manage group food orders
admin_finanzen Can see money related information
admin_inventory Can see the entire inventora and donations made
admin_strom Can set the state of every plug and can request them
admin_user Can manage users
admin_permissions Can manage permissions
admin_plugs Can manage plugs


Permission Description
user_bestellungen Can order food if got the orderid
user_finanzen Can see his own money
user_inventory Can see inventory and donations
user_strom Can see his own powerusage
user_user Can see other party members
user_subadmin Can manage his guests
sub_user To track if its a subuser, do not give this to normal users!

NPM Scripts

Script Description
install Install all dependencies and setup pm2
addadmin Give the mainconfig.superuser his admin permissions
location Add a plug location (SHOULD BE DONE VIA CONFIG!)

PDF Generator

You can use the PDF Generator to generate a PDF by following the struct:

struct PDFTemplate {
	username string [required]
	userid string [required]
	headline string [required]
	date string [required]
	items []struct {
		artikel string [required]
		priceper string [required]
		amount string [required]
		price string [required]
	} [required]

You need to generate config.json in the same direcotry as the binary. The first element of the items[] will be used as the header of the table. The last 3 will be used as the footer of the table. (Sum, Tax, etc)


Software for the automated money managment of (Privat) LAN parties.








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