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Code for electron calibration in CMS Testing

====== Preliminary instructions: GitHub account Be sure to have a GitHub account and have followed the instructions here:

====== Download instructions.

wget --no-check-certificate
chmod +x
cd Calibration/ZFitter && make && cd -

If you are using a tcsh shell: cd Calibration && source initCmsEnvCRAB2.csh

If you are using a bash shell: cd Calibration && source

(CRAB3 is not currently supported)

Every time you enter in a new shell you have to do: source initCmsEnvCRAB2.csh or source

====== Code documentation: Code documentation is updated using doxygen system. You can find the documentation related to the master branch here:

It can be generated locally following the instructions below: Once downloaded the code, in Calibration/ you can run the command

doxygen fulldoc

to have the code documentation produced by doxygen opening the doc/doxygen/fulldoc/html/index.html with your browser

====== Instructions for developments: fork the repository in GIT to your own area (if you didn't it already)

Add your git repository to the list of remotes to be used like: git remote add -f myfork git checkout devel-42X_44X_53X

====== If you want to develop the code: Create a new branch for your development (use a meaningful name) git branch myNewBranch Switch to the new branch: git checkout myNewBranch Push it to your git repository (create a new branch with the same name also in your remote GIT repository) git push myfork

Then start to develop, remember to do commits as much as possible

====== Remember to update regularly the code doing when you are in the branch devel-42X_44X_53X: git pull