This is a Rasa chatbot which helps obtaining live covid19 updates.
Currently the bot supports the following user goals:
- Updates of the active, recovered, confirmed and deaths in different states of India.
- Provides precautionary measures to be taken during the pandemic.
- Provides links to the latest news updates by WHO.
Step 2: search for coronabot-ek (bot is currently discontinued)
Create a virtual environment and activate it
conda create --name rasa_test python=3.7
conda activate rasa_test
Install rasa
pip install rasa==1.10.0
Run on one terminal in conda env
rasa run actions
Run the rasa shell to chat with the bot
rasa shell
- Updates about states in India
- Precautionary measures to be taken.
- News updates
- Information about red, green zones
- Answers in the form of images, gifs
- Updates about cities, countries
- Making it more interactive.