The advantage is people can't steal your mapping and the traders are created once on the server and not for every client which should help with FPS.
Copy the ExileServer_object_trader_create.sqf into @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\code
Add the line below at the top of @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\bootstrap\fn_preInit.sqf
['ExileServer_object_trader_create', 'exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_trader_create.sqf', false],
- Configure your map content and traders in A3EX_CMAT\content\
- Remember to add them in fn_load_mapContent.sqf like the examples.
- TRADER.sqf is the trader configuration with additional information !
- Remember to remove your old trader NPC's from missionfiles initPlayerLocal.sqf and mapping from initserver.sqf!
Put the re-packed A3EX_CMAT.pbo into @ExileServer\addons\