- Fork the repository and clone it to your local machine. For documentation on how to do this, please visit: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo
- Open the project locally
- Create a new branch in the newly forked repo using the naming convention yourFirstName_yourLastName. This is where your work should be saved.
- The application will start on http://localhost:3001
- To better understand the workflow process, view this video on how to fork a repository, and open a pull request to merge branches within a forked repository
This is a simple node application for serving a blog.
It uses Express Framework, Mongoose, and data is stored in a Mongo database.
Currently the application has 2 endpoints:
- To add a blog post - Post at /blog/post
- To get a blog post by id - Get at /blog/:id
Your task is to add a commenting feature.
You should add two new endpoints.
Post at /blog/post/{1}/comment - which should create a new comment for a post with passed {id}
Get at /blog/post/{1}/comment - which should return all comments for a post with passed {id} Under the resources folder are example json files for both a Blog and a Comment.
Feel free to modify existing files or create new files. You may add new dependencies if you choose. Please follow the conventions in place throughout the project.
You may use any internet sources to aid your implementation.
Below are a few links to documentation that may be helpful:
ExpressJS - https://expressjs.com/
Mongo - https://docs.mongodb.com/guides/server/install/ : https://docs.mongodb.com/guides/
Mongoose - https://mongoosejs.com/
When you are finished, create a Pull Request in Github for the forked repository. This Pull Request should compare your created branch to the main branch. Email the link to your Pull Request to nicole.niemczycki@endava.com at least 24 hours prior to your technical interview
Again, please make sure your Pull Request is comparing the new branch you created on your forked repo to the main branch on your forked repo. The initial repository you forked off of should NOT be referenced.