Free-floating ability icons for easier cooldown tracking
Mirrors the active ability and gadget slots from the ability bar as individual free-floating icons that can be customized using the standard GUI edit mode (lock icon at the right end of the topbar, drag to place, scroll-wheel to resize). Abilities with no possible cooldown are hidden automatically, and the others can be set to only display when on cooldown with /setoption efdFreeHUDHideReady true
Each icon links to one ability slot, layout may need adjustment between builds.
Any packaged release should be unzipped (including the internal folder) into the appropriate folder and the client restarted.
SWL: [SWL Directory]\Data\Gui\Custom\Flash.
The safest method for upgrading (required for installing) is to have the client closed and delete any existing .bxml files in the Cartographer directory. Hotpatching (using /reloadui) works as long as none of Modules.xml, LoginPrefs.xml, or CharPrefs.xml have changed.
Upgrading should retain settings as much as possible. All settings are currently saved per character.
Version 0.0.4-beta
- Out of combat hiding now has a delay before it takes effect (default 3 seconds, can be adjusted through
/setoption EFDFreeHUDOutOfCombatDelay
)- Inadvertently causes the mod to be more responsive when entering combat by sniping a single enemy out of a group (causes an immediate exit from combat until the group attacks, which was causing FreeHUD to flicker or not appear at all until actually engaged)
- Set to zero to restore previous behaviour
- Option to always show outside of combat while a cooldown is active (
/setoption EFDFreeHUDShowOutOfCombatIfCooldown
, defaults to false) /setoption EFDFreeHUDEnabled
now actually does something (causes the mod to stop rendering if false)- General bug fixes and cleanup
Version 0.0.3-beta
- Hides when out of combat (can toggle with
/setoption efdFreeHUDHideOutOfCombat
) - Hotkey reminders are now visible in GUI Edit Mode if enabled
- Fixes bug where multi character hotkey codes (mostly "MB#") were being truncated when displayed
- Fixes bug where hotkey icon remained visible after reloading on shotgun abilities actively on cooldown
Version 0.0.2-beta
- Additional support for Shotgun users
- Reload options now appear when replacing any ability (even those not generally displayed)
- Hotkey reminders are displayed for reload options (as their replacement is semi-random)
- Either part can be disabled with /setoption (efdFreeHudShowSGReloads and efdFreeHudShowSGHotkeys)
- Fixes bug where abilities were inaccurately reflecting the disabled state when first loaded
Version 0.0.1-beta
- Initial release
- Active ability and gadget icons
- Customizable layout (on ability slots, one per character)
- Option to only show running cooldowns (/setoption efdFreeHUDHideReady true)
This is still an early version of this mod, so there's likely to be a few issues discovered:
- Default layout doesn't match the ability bar (Won't fix: whole point is to rearrange them anyway)
As always, defect reports, suggestions, and contributions are welcome. They can be sent to Peloprata in SWL (by mail or pm), via the github issues system, or @Peloprata in #modding on discord.
- Option to hide when going into cooldown (opposite behaviour to HideReady)
- Option to hide cooldown clock display
- Pot cooldowns?
- Integrate with build manager and BooBuilds(?) so that icon placement can be customized on a per build basis
Source Repository:
Curse Mirror:
Requires copies of the SWL and Scaleform CLIK APIs. Existing project files are configured for Flash Pro CS5.5.
Master/Head is the most recent packaged release. Develop/Head is usually a commit or two behind my current test build. As much as possible I try to avoid regressions or unbuildable commits but new features may be incomplete and unstable and there may be additional debug code that will be removed or disabled prior to release.
Once built, 'FreeHUD.swf' and the contents of 'config' should be copied to the directory 'FreeHUD' in the game's mod directory. '/reloadui' is sufficient to force the game to load an updated swf or mod data file, but changes to the game config files (*Prefs.xml and Modules.xml) will require a restart of the client and possible deletion of .bxml caches from the mod directory.
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Earthfiredrake
Software and source released under the MIT License
Uses the TSW-AddonUtils library and graphical elements from the UI_Tweaks mod
Both copyright (c) 2015 eltorqiro and used under the terms of the MIT License
TSW, SWL, the related API, and most graphics elements are copyright (c) 2012 Funcom GmBH
Used under the terms of the Funcom UI License
Curseforge icon based off of game assets and: (CC Attribution 3.0)
Special Thanks to:
The usual suspects
Shivvies for the idea
Theck for pushing on the Shotgun support
Everyone who provided suggestions, testing and feedback