go get -u github.com/EddieChan1993/hat
hat help
hat -v v1.0 dev
hat -v v1.0 prod
hat start
hat restart
hat stop
hat status
$ hat
hat [arguments] command
The commands are:
-v [version_code] -n [app_name] dev create dev's program and eg version_code=1.0
-v [version_code] -n [app_name] prod create prod's program and eg version_code=1.0
-n [app_name] start start program and default app_name=basename $PWD,next eq
-n [app_name] restart restart program
-n [app_name] stop stop program
-n [app_name] status status program
help look up help
ver_dev look up dev's version log
ver_prod look up prod's version log