DaybydayCRM a customer relationship management system (CRM) which purpose is to help you keep track of your customers, tasks, appointments, etc. The CRM is offered as an open-source, self-hosted platform and as a hosted CRM system on daybydaycrm.com.
- Tasks & leads management
- Invoice management
- Time registration
- Register user absence and vacation
- Client & users appointments
- Role -> permissions management
- Global search
- Client overview
- Upload documents, and keep track of client documents
- And many more, for more detailed features overview go to daybydaycrm.com/pricing
For help on getting started take a look at the wiki
Feel free to send us feedback on Twitter or file an issue. Feature requests are always welcome. If you wish to contribute, please take a quick look at the guidelines!
DaybydayCRM follows PSR-2 coding standard.
All test should pass on Github actions, or the failed test should be rewritten to fit new changes
You can help translating DaybydayCRM into other languages, by copying the resources/lang/en folder into for example resources/lang/de and translate the file, found inside the folder.
DaybydayCRM from version 2.0.0 and up is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU GPLv3... FAQ GPL
DaybydayCRM under and not included version 2.0.0 is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license