SV-Pop has a variant merge and intersect system built into it for comparing variants.
- Merging: Consolidating variants from multiple sources into one nonredundant callset
- sampleset: Merge across samples.
- callerset: Merge across callers.
- Intersect: Generate a table of variants from two sources indicating which are found in both and which are exclusive to either source.
For samplesets, SVs and indels are merged together to avoid artifacts on SV boundaries (i.e. missing support for a 50 bp SV from a 49 bp indel).
SV-Pop has a flexible merging system and could support any number of merging strategies. Currently, it only has a nonredundant strategy build in ("nr", or "nrsnv" for SNVs to enforce REF/ALT matches). This document will describe parameters for the "nr" merge in SV-Pop.
We will likely support strategies provided by other tools, such as Jasmine ( and Truvari (
The "nr" merge system built into SV-Pop is based on an order of input sources and merging is done iteratively in that order. The first variant set (first caller or first sample) is copied into the merged set. The second variant set is intersected with the merged set, matching calls are annotated with the intersected variants, and new calls are added to the merged set. This process continues iteratively until all callers or samples are merged.
The result is that each variant in the merged set is represented by the call from the caller or sample where it was first seen. Each merged variant contains enough information to trace back to the calls that support it; the list of supporting callers/samples and variant IDs matching each are retained.
In this example, the configuration JSON will contain a definition for sampleset "freeze1", which includes variant
merging parameters. A set of samples is defined in a list called "allsamples" (defined in the samplelist
section of
Several strategies are supported by SV-Pop's nonredundant merge process. Square brackets contain the merge strategy identifier that is used in merge configuration (next section).
- Exact [exact]: Size and position must match exactly.
- Reciprocal overlap [ro]: Variants must overlap reciprocally by size and position. This is a classic merge strategy that works well for very large variants. For insertions, the length is added to the start position to obtain the end position for this strategy.
- Offset-size reciprocal overlap [szro]: Variants within a set distance (offset) are compared by size whether or not they intersect. The offset can be restricted by either a set number of bases or as a multiplier of the variant size (or both). This strategy works better for smaller variants where small changes is position create large differences by ro.
- Distance [distance]: A strict distance match that ignores the variant size. This strategy is useful for comparing callsets with extreme variant size inaccuracies, typcially legacy short-read SV callsets (modern short-read callsets should have more accurate sizes).
The merging process can use one or more of these strategies in order. For example, merging by "ro" then "szro" would match everything by reciprcal overlep, and anything unmatched would then be matched by size-offset recprocal overlap.
The nonredundant merging process can compare variant sequences if sequence-resolved callests are being compared (i.e. the sequence of each variant is known) using "match" parameters. Comparing sequences reduces over-merging by requiring the sequence content of matched variants be similar (e.g. 80% similarity). Sequence-resolved callsets cannot be generated from a VCF with symbolic ALTs (e.g. "") unless there is a SEQ INFO field for each containing the full variant sequence. Many modern tools, especially from long reads, provide appropriate callsets for match similarity
The match similarity can be performed in two ways:
- Similarity by alignment
- Similarity by k-mer Jaccard
Alignment similarity is achieved by aligning both sequences with a Smith-Waterman alignment with special code that allows it to remain sensitive when shifted variants alter the sequence inside the SV.
Jaccard similarity is achieved by taking k-mers (default 9-mer, from Jasmine's default) from both sequences and comparing: A&B / (A!B + A&B + !AB).
Similarity by alignment is the most accurate comparison method, but it becomes very slow for large variants. For HiFi callsets, k-mer Jaccard and alignment produce equivalent similarity scores above 4 kbp.
Merging is controlled by a grammar starting with "nr::" followed by a colon-separated list of comparison strategies each with optional arguments in parenthesis. If no merge strategies are given, it defaults to exact merging without sequence matches.
The "match" parameter may appear in the configuration string where it sets a default match for all strategies. It may also appear as an argument within a strategy where it overrides the default.
- "nr::" or "nr": Exact match all variants by size and positon, no match.
- "nr::exact": Exact match all variants by size and positon with match.
- "nr::ro:szro:exact": Match by ro, then by szro. Apply match parameters to both ro and szro.
The default values may be tuned for each step.
- "nr::ro(0.8):match": Match by reciprocal overlap including default sequence match parameters.
Each parameter has a list of parameters with default values for each. Arguments may be supplied in the same order as the list, with keywords, or both. Like Python, once a keyword argument is found, all subsequent arguments for that strategy must be keyword arguments. Both empty parethesis and no parenthesis indicate that all default parameters are used.
- "nr::ro(ro=0.8):szro(0.2,szdist=2):match()"
Match may appear inside or outside of strategies. This is typically not needed, but SV-Pop allows the flexibility.
- "nr::ro(0.8,match(0.75)):szro:match"
This example uses the default match parameters for szro (and other strategies if they were present) and overrides the default to require 75% match for ro.
Several merges can be restricted by breakpoint offsets. SV-Pop defines offset as the minimum distance between start positions and end positions. By taking the minimum of start and end positions, the distance parameter does not over-penalize distance for variants of differing sizes.
Each parameter has a set of types it can accept.
Floating point (float):
- Any unqualified number with a dot
- 500.0, -5.0, 10.05, 0.002
- Any exponential number with "e" or "E":
- 5.0e2, -5e0, 1.005E1, 2e-3
Integer (int):
- Any number without a dot
- 500, -5, 110000000
- Any number with a multiplier: k, m, g (not case sensitive)
- 0.5k, 110m, 3.1G
The "unlimited" keyword may be substituted for a value to indicate that there is no limit. Not all paramers accept the unlimited keyword.
Several parameter types may accept a mix of int, float, and unlimited. These are used in the parameter documentation below.
- num: float, int,
- num_u: float, int, unlimited
- int_u: int, unlimited
- float_u: float, unlimited
Match by reciprocal-overlap (ro). For two variants to pass, their size and position must overlap by at least some percentage. Since insertions are represented as a single point in the reference, the insertion length is added to the start position for the RO calculation (makes it equivalent to deletions). This is the classic intersect strategy (typically 50% RO), and it works well for very large variants. Small variants are over-penalized by RO alone since small breakpoint differences cause larger movement in RO for small variants than large variants.
Parameter | Type | Default | Range | Description |
ro | num | 0.5 | 0.0 < ro ≤ 1.0 | Proportion of overlap (defaults to 50% RO) |
dist | int_u | unlimited | 0 ≤ dist ≤ unlimited | Breakpoints must be within dist bp |
Size-reciprocal-overlap (szro) is more flexible than ro. Like ro, it requires that variant sizes match within some percentage by size, but it relaxes the restrictions on placement.
Parameter | Type | Default | Range | Description |
szro | num | 0.5 | 0.0 < ro ≤ 1.0 | Proportion of size overlap (defaults to 50% size match) |
dist | int_u | 200 | 0 ≤ dist ≤ unlimited | Breakpoints must be within dist bp |
szdist | num_u | unlimited | 0 ≤ dist ≤ unlimited | Breakpoints must be offset ≤ szdist * size |
One of dist or szdist must not be unlimited.
Merge by distance. Can be restricted by szro and szdist, but it's better to use szro for those parameters. By default, the szro parameter is unset and ignore (size is not requried to match). Use this when comparing against variants with unknown or extremely inaccurate sizes.
Parameter | Type | Default | Range | Description |
szro | num | NA | 0.0 < ro ≤ 1.0 | Proportion of size overlap (defaults to 50% size match) |
dist | int_u | 500 | 0 ≤ dist ≤ unlimited | Breakpoints must be within dist bp |
szdist | num_u | unlimited | 0 ≤ dist ≤ unlimited | Breakpoints must be offset ≤ szdist * size |
Requires exact position and size matches. There are no parameters to control exact matches. If match parameters are also given, matches are further restricted by sequence content, which may or may not exactly match (even though the size and position match exactly).
Sequences are compared by alignment similarity or Jaccard.
Alignment similarity is computed by taking the alignment score based on a Smith-Waterman alignment and dividing by the maximum score if all bases match based on the match score and the length of the smaller variant (match * min(len A, len B)). Alignment arguments (match, mismatch, open, and extend) parameterize an affine Smith-Waterman alignment over the sequences (affine allows separate gap-open and gap-extend scores to better model true biological indels and SVs). This method is far more accurate than Jaccard, especially for smaller variants.
For larger variants, comparison by alignment consumes excessive CPU time, so the match can fall-back to Jaccard above a set size (limit). Each sequence is k-merized using a set k-mer size (ksize) and Jaccard similarity is computed, Jaccard = A&B / (!AB + A&B + A!B). If the limit is set to unlimited, all variant are compared by alignment.
Whether computed by alignment or Jaccard, the similarity score must meet or exceed a set threshold (score).
Parameter | Type | Default | Range | Description |
score | num | 0.8 | 0 < score ≤ 1.0 | Minimum sequence match proportion |
match | num | 2.0 | 0 < match | Alignment base match score |
mismatch | num | -1.0 | mismatch < 0.0 | Alignment base mismatch score |
open | num | -1.0 | open ≤ 0.0 | Gap open score |
extend | num | -0.25 | extend ≤ 0.0 | Gap extend score |
limit | int_u | 4000 | 0 ≤ limit ≤ unlimited | Use Jaccard for length > limit |
ksize | int | 9 | 0 < ksize | K-mer size for Jaccard |
SV-Pop allows a source to match multiple target variants. By default, once a match is made, the matched variant in both callsets (source and target) are not allowed to match any other variants. In some cases, such as redundant variant calls are present and each must be matched to the best variant in a nonredundant callset. For example, graph-based VCFs write one record for each sequence of an indel or SV. For example, if an SV is in two samples and there's a SNP difference, current decomposed graph-to-VCF tools emit one record for each SV allele. Intersecting a callset with a redundant callset with default parameters will find the best match of these alleles, but will leave the others unmatched. To intersect a nonredundant callset with a redandant one (i.e. multiple alleles in different variant records), then a semi-redundant merge must be allowed.
The merge parameter "multitgt" will allow one source variant to match with multiple target variants and is only allowed in a two-sample merge where the first sample is redundant (e.g. decomposed grap VCF) and the second sample is nonredundant (e.g. a single sample or a nonredundant merge of many samples). In this mode, matched target variants are allowed to match other source variants instead of being restricted to only one. Add this parameter anywhere in the configuration string as its own parameter (e.g. "nr::ro(0.5):multitgt"). "multitgt" applies to the whole merge no matter what order it is found in the configuration string.
These parameters have been developed over the years to produce high-quality predictable merges across a wide rangce of variant types.
Note: If the callset does not have sequence-resolved SVs and indels (full sequence is not in the callset), then drop the whole "match()" parameter.
- SVs and indels: "nr::exact:ro(0.5):szro(0.8,200):szro(0.8,unlimited,3):match(0.8)"
- exact: Exact size and position.
- ro: 50% reciprocal-overlap (large SVs).
- szro: within 200 bp and 80% size overlap (indels and small SVs).
- szro: Within 3x SVLEN and 80% size overlap (heavily shifted tandem duplications & triplications).
- match: Enforce 80% sequence identity for all steps.
- SNVs: "nrsnv::exact"
- Exact size and position. Enforce REF and ALT matching (not case sensitive)
The configuration file has three sections that control merges.
Named lists of samples for sampleset merges. These names appear as "{sample}" wildcards.
"samplelist": {
"hgsvc2": [
"HG00731", "HG00732",
"HG00512", "HG00513",
"NA19238", "NA19239",
"NA24385", "HG03125",
"NA12878", "HG03486", "HG02818",
"HG03065", "HG03683", "HG02011",
"HG03371", "NA12329", "HG00171",
"NA18939", "HG03732", "HG00096",
"NA20847", "HG03009", "NA20509",
"HG00864", "HG01505", "NA18534",
"NA19650", "HG02587", "HG01596",
"HG01114", "NA19983", "HG02492",
"HG00733", "HG00514", "NA19240"
"PUR": ["HG00733", "HG00732", "HG00731"],
"CHS": ["HG00514", "HG00513", "HG00512"],
"YRI": ["NA19240", "NA19238", "NA19239"]
Example sampleset section defining a sampleset merge ("pavhifi").
"sampleset": {
"pavhifi": {
"sourcetype": "caller",
"sourcename": "pav-hifi",
"merge": {
"svindel": "nr::szro(0.8,,4):match(0.8)",
"sv:inv": "nr::ro(0.8)",
"snv": "nrsnv::exact"
"name": "PAV HiFi",
"description": "Pav HiFi"
and sourcename
determine where samples are pulled from. The merge
section can be a single merge
definition or a dictionary of merge strategies keyed by svtype
(comma-separated list of svtypes is allowed). The
will show up in figures generated for this merged callset. description
is for documentation and is unused.
To merge SVs or indels, the entry vartype must be "svindel" since they are merged together.
The svtype (after the ":") is optional, but if it is present, it must match the svtype being merged. Entries with a matching svtype are prioritized over entries without a matching svtype. If more than one entry can match, then the first one in the list has the higher precedence. A key of "DEFAULT" matches everything with the lowest precedence.
Example callerset section.
"callerset": {
"longreads": {
"callsets": [
["caller", "pav-hifi", "PAVHIFI"],
["caller", "pav-clr", "PAVCLR"],
["caller", "pbsv-hifi", "PBSVHIFI"],
["caller", "pbsv-clr", "PBSVCLR"]
"merge": {
"sv:ins,del": "nr::szro(0.8,,4):match(0.8)",
"sv:inv": "nr::ro(0.8)",
"indel": "nr::szro(0.8,,4):match(0.8)",
"snv": "nrsnv::exact"
"name": "HGSVC2 LR",
"description": "PAV/PBSV (HiFi & CLR)"
contains a list variant sources (each is a souncetype/souncename/name trio). In an older version of SV-Pop,
a separate namelist
element contained the names of each source, but that information has been moved to the
list as a third element for each source. merge
is the same as for sampleset
(a single merge definition
or a dictionary of definitions keyed by svtype(s)). name
is used for figures, and description
is for documentation
purposes and is unused by the pipeline.
Each merged variant has a list of samples and a list of variant IDs from each sample supporting the merged calls. This allows annotations performed on individual callers and samples to be pulled through the merge process using the lead variant for each merged record without re-running annotations.
For example, to get the RefSeq intersections for a merged set:
Instead of generating an fully merged callset, it is often necessary to match variants across multiple sets. For example, there might by many orthogonal callsets supporting a main callset, but generating a sampleset merge across all the orthogonal callsets and the main callset is extremely messy and should be avoided. Instead, the main callset can be intersected with other callsets with each intersect generating a table of variants from both showing which were in both samples and which did not intersect the other sample.
The configuration file contains a merge_def
section to define aliases for merge strings. The intersect file (see
below) contains the merge definition, which can be long and messy, and merge_def
alias provide a way to clean it up.
For example:
"merge_def": {
"szro-80": "nr::szro(0.8,,4):match(0.8)",
"snv-exact": "nrsnv::exact",
"ro-80-nm": "nr::ro(0.8)"
- sourcetype_a, sourcename_a, sample_a: sourcetype, sourcename, and sample for the first variant set.
- sourcetype_b, sourcename_b, sample_b: sourcetype, sourcename, and sample for the second variant set.
- merge_def: Merge definition.
- filter, svset, vartype, and svtype: Same wildcards for variants.
This compares two callsets, a PAV callset and a pbsv callset on HG00733 with an RO/size-RO strategy
("szro-50-200", defined in merge_def
in the config, see above). This format allows flexibly comparisons, for example,
comparing two samples or two callers. It is not restricted to callers, and samples could be compared to a whole merged