Release 16.02.2024
Our goal is to move away from API descriptions on Github. Short description how to rebundle global API to service specific API.
Download API json
Convert it to yml and save to file dh-public-test-api.yml
create directory for storing split stuff
mk unbundled
run API splitter
openapi split dh-public-test-api.yml --outDir unbundled/
a result is openapi.yml which contains all endpoints
create your own service specfic yml
cp unbundled/openapi.yml unbundled/customer.yml
delete from
unrelated paths so customer.yml will look like this` openapi: 3.0.1 info: null title: Operational Platform version: 0.29.0 servers: - url: 'http://host' description: Generated server url tags: - name: Customer description: 'API to create, read, and update customer information.' paths: /api/v1/customer: $ref: paths/api_v1_customer.yml /api/v1/customer/search: $ref: paths/api_v1_customer_search.yml /api/v1/customer/change: $ref: paths/api_v1_customer_change.yml components: null securitySchemes: null JWTAuth: null type: openIdConnect openIdConnectUrl: 'https://host/realms/myrealm/.well-known/openid-configuration `
Create directory for re-bundled API
mkdir bundled
Bundle new API
openapi bundle unbundled/customer.yml -o bundled/customer.yml
Based on: