Each individual want a good news website to stay up-to-date what is going on around the globe. So,i have made a News website for you to get all the HEADLINES at one click.
- Clone my git repository in your local system.
- open Index.HTMl on any web server you have access to.
- thats it!!
- HTML to render on website
- css with Bootstrap for making the website look lit
- Javascript to functionality of the website to grab the required and latest version of news Using API
- on load you get all the recent headlines of the news but if you don't want the headlines you can click on the navbar button to see news of the specific domain like general,business,tech etc.
- if your domain is not on the navbar don't worry about it you can search for your domain in the search place on the navbar.
- on the news site you can scroll to the bottom there you can see footer saying "Meet The Creator"
- click on it you will go to my portfolio website
- It is my second website. It is the page where you can find about me find what is have done,my past education status visit my old project and contact me on different social networks.
This is a video of my site made my me. it contain explain of both news and portfolio site.