In completing the module, you will gain the knowledge to create Python notebooks, enabling you to construct interactive coding worksheets for use in your classroom.
- Tailored for teachers with no/minimal experience in programming and who wish to enhance their teaching toolkit by acquiring a new skill.
- Experience with teaching Level2 Kinematics is required.
- Dates for 3 online sessions: Tuesday 7th May, 14th May and 28th May at 7:30pm
The notebooks can be opened in google colab - if you do not have an account yet, please make one using a gmail address.
Clicking the google colab
buttons below will directly open the corresponding notebooks in google colab.
In order to open the link in a new tab on your browser, just do CTRL+click (on Windows and Linux) or CMD+click (on MacOS).
Session 1: Python Basics; Tuesday 7th May, 7:30pm
Session 2: One-Dimensional Kinematics; Tuesday 14th May, 7:30pm
Session 3: Two-Dimensional Kinematics; Tuesday 28th May, 7:30pm
- My school does not have access to google colab: Please use a private google email address for now.
- How do I save my notebook? Changes to your notebooks can easily be saved from google colab on your computer or your google drive: Click on 'File' in the top left of your colab window; you then have options to save in your google drive with 'Save a copy in drive' or download to your computer and save locally with 'Download/Download .ipynb'. If you start a new Colab session you can upload you notebook with 'File/Upload notebook' which opens a window that allows to get your old notebook from google drive or upload from your computer. Please note that you will have to import the libraries (numpy, matplotlib) again if you want to use them.