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CSTNU Tool: A Java Library for Checking Temporal Networks. To cite this Original Software Publication:

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CSTNU Tool Project


CSTNU Tool is a open-source software that offers an editor and some checking algorithms for analysing Conditional Simple Temporal Network with Uncertainty (CSTNU) and companion. In particular, the checking algorithms verifies if a temporal network is consistent or dynamic controllable according to the kind of the network. The implemented algorithms are:

For Simple Temporal Networks (STN)

  • AllPairsShortestPaths (Floyd-Warshall)
  • Bannister Eppstein,
  • Bellman-Ford
  • Bellman Ford for a Single Sink
  • Dijkstra,
  • Johnson,
  • Yen,
  • Yen for a Single Sink
  • BFCT (Tarjan with Subtree disassebly)

For Conditional Simple Temporal Networks (CSTN)

  • Hunsberger-Posenato 2018
  • Hunsberger-Posenato 2019
  • Hunsberger-Posenato 2020

For Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty (STNU)

  • Morris 2014
  • RUL^-
  • RUL 2020
  • Bellman-Ford for STNU

For Conditional Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty (CSTNU)

  • Translation to quivalent Time Game Automaton
  • Translation to equivalent CSTN
  • Hunsberger-Posenato 2018

For Conditional Simple Temporal Networks with Partially Shrinkable Uncertainty (CSTNPSU) or Flexible Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty (FTNU)

  • Posenato & c. 2020


The main web site is The main source repository is at The archived copy of the source repository is at In Docs directory present in the source repository there are some technical documents about the project.


Java ≥ 11

One feature of the tool allows one to translate a CSTNU instance into an equivalent Timed Game Automaton. Such a feature requires to use the uppaal-tiga-0.18 library that must downloaded at


The CSTNU Tool library is a fat library that can be used alone. It is present in the main directory of the binary distribution archive as JAR package with name CSTNU-Tool-X.Y.jar, where X.Y are two integers representing the version of the package. (If the JAR package is built from the sources, it will be present in the CstnuTool sub directory).

It is sufficient to add the library to the JRE classpath for using any class or method of the library (let us assume that the current JAR is CSTNU-Tool-4.2.jar):

$ java -cp CSTNU-Tool-4.2.jar ...

The Jar package is distributed with all debugging code removed. In case that it is necessary to have debugging messages, please refer to document in the source repository where it is explained how to build and use a Jar with debugging messages.


The main goal of CSTNU Tool library is to be a support library for representing and checking temporal constraint networks inside other software.

The directory Instances constains some CSTN and CSTNU instances.

As side feature, all classes (STN, STNU, CSTN*, CSTNU, CSTNPUS) relative to the different kinds of temporal networks have the main method that allows the execution of the dynamicCheck method on a given input file directly.

Example of execution of CSTN class

$ java -cp CSTNU-Tool-4.2.jar it.univr.di.cstnu.algorithms.CSTN
it.univr.di.cstnu.algorithms.CSTN Version 7.0 - November, 07 2019
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later, Roberto Posenato.

Starting execution...
Checking finished!
The given CSTN is Dynamic consistent!
Details: The check is finished after 2 cycle(s).
The consistency check has determined that given network is consistent.
Some statistics:
Rule R0 has been applied 0 times.
Rule R3 has been applied 0 times.
Rule Labeled Propagation has been applied 3 times.
Potentials updated 0 times.
The global execution time has been 10918000 ns (~0.010918 s.)

Input file must be in GraphML format. See Docs/ for details about the accepted GraphML format.

GUI Editor

The library contains also a graphical editor for editing temporal networks and checking them using the different algorithms present in the library.

To execute the GUI editor (class TNEditor) it is sufficient invoke the package

$java -jar CSTNU-Tool-4.2.jar

The script is a bash script that finds the library in the directory, checks if the installed JRE version is compatible, and runs the TNEditor class.


This bash tool is intended for a subproject in which we are experimenting a new algorithm for checking the dynamic consistency of CSTNs. In particular, this tool determines the average execution time of Dynamic Consistency Check Algorithm given a set of CSTN instances.


This bash tool is intended for a subproject in which we are experimenting a new algorithm for checking the dynamic consistency of CSTNU. In particular, this tool determines the average execution time of Dynamic Consistency Check Algorithm given a set of CSTNU instances.

This bash tool executes a Java program of the library to translate a CSTNU instance to the corresponding TIGA instance. The source file is the GraphML representation of a CSTNU graph. The output is the XML description of the corresponding TIGA instance.

You have to install uppaal-tiga-0.18 () software in order to run Please, adjust the location of verifytga program inside according to the location where you installed uppaal-tiga-0.18.


For full licenses text, please check files in LICENSES subdirectory. For source files the licenses (in SPDX term) is

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Roberto Posenato <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

For other file is

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Roberto Posenato <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0


Author and contact: Roberto Posenato