webpack-dev-server have open browser ability, but the experience is poor, webpack not finish compile, browser already opened, we will see a blank loading page at long time.
webpack devServer 开发服务器有打开浏览器的功能,但是体验很差,在webpack还没编译完成,浏览器已经打开了,显示一个空白的加载页面,要等很久,而且启动开发时,我们在看编译的log输出,打开浏览器突然打断了log输出,显示到眼前的却是一个加载页面,体验非常糟糕。
This plugin resolve the problem: when webpack after compile, browser will open, you can see the webpage, not a blank page!
npm install webpack-open-browser-plugin --save-dev
const OpenBrowserPlugin = require('webpack-open-browser-plugin');
// webpack.config.js
// add to config.plugins
module.exports = {
plugins: [
// other plugins
// add plugin
new OpenBrowserPlugin({
url: 'http://localhost:8080'
// Remember to turn off the open browser with devServer, because you have OpenBrowserPlugin now.
// config.devServer: {
// open: false
// }
打开浏览器的功能兼容 Windows 和 Mac。
发布的代码经过 es-check es5 验证,最大化兼容不同版本的 nodejs 环境。
理论上兼容 webpack 2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x。