Assembles Collection of Critic & User Reviews from the Web
Scrapes and saves href links to every album-specific-page on MetaCritic site
List of strings is stored locally on a JSON file
Prints report to show how many links were collected
Reads MetaCritic urls from JSON file obtained in ms1 and places in list
Prompts user to input a letter from the alphabet or quit (Loop starts here)
Iterates through all album pages which begin with this letter
Scrapes fields for corresponding Album and Review class properties
Writes collection of Album objects to new local JSON file (End of loop)
Instantiates connection to elastic search index via .env file
Loads Album data from locally stored JSON files (loop starts here)
POST each collection of Albums to database
Displays success message (loop ends here)
see poetry.lock for reqs
import elasticbud seperately
pip install git+