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- Play music/video in Telegram Voice Chats
- Play music/video from YT
- Python >=3.10
- FFmpeg
- Telegram Account
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install python3 git yt-dlp ffmpeg -y
git clone
cd YMusic-Userbot && pip install -r requirements.txt
You can get the required data from here
bash start
- play
- vplay
- mute
- unmute
- volume <1-200>
- skip [Admins Only]
- pause [Admins Only]
- resume [Admins Only]
- stop/chup [Admins Only]
- loop [Admins Only]
- endloop [Admins Only]
- speedtest [Userbot Owner/Sudoers Only]
- This userbot is only for playing music/video in Telegram Voice/Video Chats
- This userbot is not for spamming in chats
- This userbot is not for downloading songs or videos
- Fork this repo
- Make changes in your forked repo
- Make a pull request
- This userbot is only for educational purposes
- I am not responsible for any misuse of this userbot
- This code is not production ready yet it needs too much changes (a lot of changes and many more) to be production ready