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Our Employee Custom Class

EntitySpaces edited this page Mar 14, 2012 · 2 revisions
// Custom method
es.objects.Employees.prototype.LoadByPrimaryKeyHierarchical = function (employeeId, success, error, state) {

    return this.load({
        route: this.esRoutes['LoadByPrimaryKeyHierarchical'],
        data: employeeId,
        success: success,
        error: error,
        state: state

es.objects.EmployeesCollection.prototype.Employees_Pager = function (pagerRequest, success, error, state) {

    return this.load({
        route: this.esRoutes['Employees_Pager'],
        data: pagerRequest,
        success: success,
        error: error,
        state: state

// Custom Properties goes in the "customize" method and this is called for you automatically
es.objects.Employees.prototype.customize(function () {

    // You can add any number of extra properties of any type in here
    this.FullName = ko.computed(function () {
        return this.LastName() + ", " + this.FirstName();
    }, this);


//#region Entity Routing
es.objects.Employees.prototype.esRoutes['LoadByPrimaryKeyHierarchical'] = 
    { method: 'GET', url: 'Employees_LoadByPrimaryKeyHierarchical', response: 'entity' }

//#region Collection Routing
es.objects.EmployeesCollection.prototype.esRoutes['Employees_Pager'] =
    { method: 'GET', url: 'Employees_Pager', response: 'collection' }