CMake is the ONLY way you should be building your C or C++ projects. Vim is the ultimate text editor. Together, along with the power of gray skull, CMake support in Vim is born.
is a Vim
plugin that allows you to build your projects that are based on the CMake
meta-build system.
If lost, run :help cmake
for more information.
At the time of writing, cmake.vim
has been tested with Vim 7.3+ in nocp mode
and CMake 2.8.
I recommending using Vundle to install plugins. The line necessary to add this plugin is as follows:
Bundle 'jalcine/cmake.vim`
After you installed the plugin, just cd
into the directory where the
top-level CMakeLists.txt can be found and run:
:CMakeCreateProject <build-dir-name>
With that, you created (or re-configured in a vanilla-setup) a new binary directory and built the project.
defines a few methods for generic interaction with CMake. Check
out :help cmake-methods
for more information.
In order for CMake to operate, it has to know where the build directory is
located. This is done automatically by the plugin but it does need help in the
event that you happen to build your CMake project in a sub-directory. Check
out :help cmake-options
for more information.
- You can't pass in options for configuring the project at first-run (or later on, actually).
This code is released and available under the MIT license. Multiply and be fruitful.
I'm Jacky Alcine and I like code. A lot. I also chat a lot like a firehose so follow with caution!