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- What's the question?
- Write project pipeline steps, scripts needed, pseudocode and sketch
- Write scripts, write it up as a package
- Check Travis setup: pep8, flake8, create unit tests
- Update python and external dependencies file
To do manually:
Upload to GitHub account
Manually connect to Travis for testing, add image to README.rst
Keep track of installations for Docker instructions
Manually connect to Zenodo, each release will trigger an archive and DOI
Manually connect to ReadtheDocs, triggers will build the package's documentation on their webpage:
Manual configuration is needed on both the GitHub and ReadtheDocs sides:
Sign up to RTD, connect it to your GitHub account and allow permissions
At RTD setup the configuration as needed, check:
- Repo::
- Add the .git to it
- Use virtualenv: (checked)
- Requirements file:: requirements.txt
- The rest should be OK with the defualts. The EPUB option may need further configuring though.
- Copy the RTD image to your README.rst so the badge shows up.
- Setup conda recipe or PyPi if appropriate:
- Manually modify the Python packaging template files with your project information and then (info directly from diveintopython3):
- Run the Distutils built-in validation command:
python check
Distutils can build different types of releases. Build a “source distribution” as a minimum that includes your source code, script, README and any additional files (which you need to manually specify in the template). Then, build a source distribution with:
python sdist
This will create a "dist/" folder which should contain a ".zip" file that can then be shared.
See diveintopython3 for instructions for Python3 and Distutils (basic instructions copied here):
Upload your software tools to the Python Package Index (PyPi):
= Register yourself (go to PyPi's registration) = Register your software = Upload the packages you created with sdist and bdist_* = To release a new version, update with the new version number, then run the same upload command:
python register sdist upload
Add bdist_wininst to include a Windows graphical installer.
- You need to manually choose a license, classify your software using the PyPI classification system () and write a README.txt file.
- See also CookieCutter's helpful tutorial for PyPi instructions.
.. todo:: TO DO
The output should be input for:
Also see: