cilium ebpf common template for go.
- go: the basic go environment.
- make: helpful predefined make commands for development.
- clang: cilium ebpf library needs the clang to compile the ebpf program.
- llvm: cilium ebpf library needs the llvm to process the compiled ebpf program. Such as llvm-strip when generate go code.
- bpftools: dump kernel define, (un)load ebpf program, test ebpf program validation, etc.
- bpftrace: helpful when debugging the ebpf programs, easily get POC with bt script. (but this is optional)
make help
|Current Setting Variable:
| CLANG: clang
| CFLAGS: -O2 -g -Wall -Werror -I /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu -I ./pkg/ebpf-c/common
| GOPROXY: ',direct'
| GENERATED_TYPE: my_event
| PATH_TO_VMLINUX: ./pkg/ebpf-c/common
| VMLINUX: vmlinux.h
|make command usage:
| build: build full program, default make command
| generate: Generate the ebpf prog in kernel with clang.
| if you need you can set the CFLAGS to append
| tool_gen_vmlinux: generate vmlinux.h as ./pkg/ebpf-c/common/vmlinux.h
| test_ebpf: if you editing the ebpf-c c files and header files
| to test the ebpf can be compiled and pass ebpf verifier when load
| tool_unload: bpftool unload progs.
| tool_load: bpftool load progs.
| tool_trace_printk: read tracing pipe debug bpf_printk
| help: show this help
| usage: show this help