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Find developer resources for Oriented Imagery, including a Web AppBuilder widget and oriented imagery catalog (OIC) schema.


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Oriented Imagery Classic - Development Resources

These resources relate to Oriented Imagery Classic, which is a community-supported, add-in solution for managing and visualizing imagery as a part of your GIS. The oriented imagery capability is being integrated into the ArcGIS system; read this blog to learn more.

This repo contains developer resources for Oriented Imagery Classic, including 2D and 3D Web AppBuilder widgets, the Experience Builder widget, a description of the Oriented Imagery Classic API, and a schema for oriented imagery catalogs (OICs). Learn more about Oriented Imagery Classic on the Imagery Workflows site.

Use the Oriented Imagery Classic widgets for Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS and Experience Builder to build web apps to explore oriented imagery (imagery not pointing straight down at the ground) from aerial, drone, or terrestrial sensors. App users select an oriented imagery catalog, click a location of interest on the map, then explore any available oblique, street-view, or inspection images that depict the area of interest using the inset viewer. As you pan and zoom in the oriented image, see the camera’s field of view dynamically updated on the map. Check out examples of a 2D app and a 3D app built with the widgets.

Also in this repo, find a description of the Oriented Imagery Classic API, which can be used to build custom oriented imagery applications.

This repo also contains a description of the oriented imagery catalog (OIC) schema for use in developing your own applications. OIC is the data structure used to manage oriented imagery in ArcGIS. The OIC is defined as a JSON that references a point-based feature service that defines the camera location, orientation, and image metadata.

To view OICs in ArcGIS Pro, download the Oriented Imagery Classic add-in for ArcGIS Pro. To create and manage your own OICs, download the Oriented Imagery Classic Management Tools from ArcGIS Online.


What's new in Oriented Imagery Classic developer resources

Version 2.11 (release June 2022)

  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery widget for Experience Builder:

    • Fixed the issue with Oriented Imagery graphics not displayed in the correct order.
    • Updated the max canvas area on HTML canvas to work with iOS devices.
    • Added support for the query module in JS API 4.24 (QueryTask deprecated).
    • Support for GeoJSON added to the OI widget.
    • Added support for DefaultImagery and DefaultSearchLocation parameters.
    • Updated the widget code and removed the hard coded MaxDistance value.
  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery API:

    • Updated the max canvas area on HTML canvas to work with iOS devices.
    • Added support for GeoJSON in the OIC JSON.
    • Updated OI API to accomodate the deprecation of tasks/GeometryService in JS API 4.24.
    • Fixed the issue with copyright message appearing over the video slider in video OICs.
    • Current coverage is updated with change in video slider (viewer).
    • Fixed the issue for current coverage not updating in video OICs.
    • Updated the max canvas area on HTML canvas to work with iOS devices.
    • Folder structure for t9n (translation) strings updated.
    • Added support for the query module in JS API 4.24 (QueryTask deprecated).
    • Oriented Imagery catalogs now supports multiple authentication types for Enterprise portals.
    • API now suports depth image for all image types.
    • Updated the accuracy of editable features in the OIC viewer.
    • Editing workflow (editable features) now works in the Add-in.
    • The navigation tool refreshes upon selecting a space with no image.
    • Viewer.html file deprecated from the API folder.

Version 2.10 (release March 2022)

  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery Webapp:

    • Added support for DefaultImage and DefaultSearchLocation parameter in the OIC.
    • Upgraded the Oriented Imagery graphics to display the correct order on the map.
    • Fixed the issue with the distance tool in the overlay tab for editable feature layer.
    • Fixed the measurement tool.
    • Updated the Image Gallery scroll bar.
    • Fixed the App widget used to view selected features in image.
    • Updated the distance tool in the overlay tab.
  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery API:

    • Added support for 360 degree images.
    • Enhanced the accuracy of the current coverage (image footprint).
    • CamOri attribute extended to support local tangent plane (ENU) cordinate system.
    • Updated navigation tool.
    • Added support for RGB based MRF imagery.
    • Added support to display thumbnails for feature attachments.
    • Updated superimpose view in the standard viewer.
    • Added support for mrf DEM.
    • Updated Autoswitch mode in the standard viewer.
    • Enhanced ground to image accuracy.
    • Added sharpness slider in the OI viewer.
    • Added Coverage Percent parameter to OIC json.
    • Updated the TimeUnit filter and the TimeSelector tool.
    • Integrated Mapillary API v4.0 with Oriented Imagery API.
    • Enhanced the accuracy of overlay vectors.
    • Updated the API to work in ArcGIS Enterprise.
    • Added support for ImageSuffix, DepthImageSuffix, DEMSuffix in the API.
    • Updated the logic for showing camera locations (overlay) in the viewer.
    • Added support to create OICs with XLS frametables.
    • Updated best image selected in 3D environment.
    • Removed corsEnabledServer from OI API as it is deprecated in 4.9 JS API version.
    • Add a button to enable/disable image depth slider in superimpose view.
    • Added support to get presigned URL for images on secured bucket.
    • Added a new mode of navigation from one image to another based on SortOrder attribute.
    • Other bug fixes.

Version 2.9 (release December 2021)

  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery Webapp:

    • Overlaid line features issue has been fixed.
    • Face lines issue in superimpose view for cube images has been fixed.
    • All QuickCapture issues for item URL in OIC have been fixed.
  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery API:

    • TIF images are read in image space using RasterX.
    • Appropriate error messages based on HTTP status code are displayed.
    • Right Z values are computed if world elevation is provided as the DEM source.
    • New enhancements related video have been added.
    • Fixed the issue where images with large sizes were not being displayed in the viewer.

Version 2.7 (release July 2021)

  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery API:

    • Use of item popup in image attribute viewer
    • Tiff / COG file support.
    • Use of feature service item URL in OIC.
    • Support to access OICs from IWA enabled portals.
    • 360 degree video bug fix.
    • Other bug fixes.
  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery 3D widget for Web AppBuilder For ArcGIS:

    • Updated Oriented Imagery API to v2.7
    • Several general fixes and performance and stability improvements.
  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery widget for Experience Builder:

    • Updated Oriented Imagery API to v2.7
    • Bug fixes

Version 2.6 (release April 2021)

  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery API:
    • Added Time selector to filter images based on days, weeks, months, and years.
    • Added support for 360 video
    • Added superimpose view to superimpose imagery into maps on top of 3D Data layers and vector layers
    • Added image attributes tool to display attributes for the current image
    • Added support to adjust the size of navigation tool
    • Updated best image computation based on imagery type
    • Updated UI/UX of the viewer
    • Several general fixes and performance and stability improvements.
  • What’s new in Oriented Imagery 3D widget for Web AppBuilder For ArcGIS:
    • Updated UI/UX of the widget
    • Updated Oriented Imagery API to v2.6
    • Several general fixes and performance and stability improvements.

Version 2.4 (release July 2020)

  • Web AppBuilder widgets using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x have been released. The 3.x versions are moved to mature support.
  • The Oriented Imagery API now supports:
    • Two different navigation tools: basic and advance.
    • You can now set the distance of features during editing for increased accuracy.
    • Point features now support labeling mode, where you can draw rectangles around objects on the image for point feature layers.
  • The sample web apps and 3D widget have the following enhancements:
    • Users can now add OICs from their ArcGIS Enterprise Portal account.
    • OAuth support for logging in.

Version 2.3 (release May 2020)

  • Web AppBuilder widgets using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x have been released. The 3.x versions are moved to mature support.
  • The Oriented Imagery API now supports attaching bubble and panoramic imagery to a feature service.
  • The sample web apps have two enhancements:
    • App users can now add OICs from My Organization's Groups in ArcGIS Online.
    • The Image Exposure points layer is grayed out if no exposure points are found.

Version 2.2 (release March 2020)

  • When digitizing in the web app, the user will now be prompted to add ImgUrn and ImgGeom fields to the feature service if they're not already there.
  • The Oriented Imagery API now includes the following:
    • Support for using a feature service with attachments as your data source.
    • Option to digitize features with measurement ON.
    • New navigation tool.
    • If the OIC includes an acquisition date, the date is displayed in the viewer.
    • Bug fixes for auto switch mode and for when near distance = 0.

Version 2.1 (release January 2020)

  • Custom Oriented Imagery Types are now available for download.
  • Fieldnames are now case insensitive in the Oriented Imagery API.
  • In the API, measurement tools automatically turn on and off based on accuracy and depth info.

Working with the widgets

Widget features

  • Build custom Oriented Imagery apps with no programming required
  • Support for standard frame, panoramic, or omnidirectional cameras (among others)
  • A built-in viewer for non-nadir imagery, or the option to integrate a custom imagery viewer
  • Spatial navigation tools designed to work with non-nadir imagery
  • Querying based on current view and filters (including time)
  • Image enhancement options
  • Linear and height measurement tools – where suitable ancillary data available
  • Synchronized display of view extent
  • Option to display extents and images similar to your current selection
  • API to help 3rd party developers

Instructions for using the Web AppBuilder 3D widget

  1. Download and unzip the Oriented Imagery repo ZIP file
  2. Download and install Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition)
  3. Follow the instructions for custom widget deployment

Instructions for using the Experience Builder widget

  1. Download and unzip the Oriented Imagery repo ZIP file
  2. Download and install ArcGIS Experience Builder (Developer Edition)


  • ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal account
  • Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS 2.15+ Developer Edition
  • ArcGIS Experience Builder 1.3+ Developer Edition



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