IMPORTANT: V2.0: Installation method has changed! Please read the "Installation" section below.
This software allows you to analyze and clean up Unity Animation Controllers.
The Animation Controller stores objects of following types in the same .controller file:
- AnimatorStateMachine
- AnimatorState
- AnimatorStateTransition
- AnimatorTransition
- BlendTree
- StateMachineBehaviour
For each of this objects, the script iterates through all layers, (sub) state machines and states in the Animation Controller. An object which cannot be found, will be recognized as unused and can be removed from Animation Controller.
Add the package to VRChat Creator Companion:
After the package was added, click on the "Project" tab in the Creator Companion and select "Manage Project" on your project. Then choose the package in the list and install it.
Drag the prefab into your scene and assign an Animation Controller to it. Select one of the features described below.
Counts all objects by type and writes the results to the console.
Counts all unused objects and lists them separately in the console.
Expands your Animation Controller in the project window. This allows you to inspect all or only unused content.
Removes the unused objects of your Animation Controller and shows the results in the console. Make a BACKUP before you start this action!