A multi-function bot that runs with silly commands. For the program to run, you need a config.json file with the fields '
On initial setup, run npm install
"token": <Discord Bot token>,
"prefix": <any prefix>,
"ownerID": <Owner of the bot>,
"imgurClientID": <imgur Client ID>,
"imgurEmail": <imgur Email address to a public account>,
"imgurPassword": <imgur Password>,
"accessKeyId":<Amazon Access Key ID>,
"secretAccessKey":<Amazon Secret Access Key>,
"region": <Amazon region>,
"ytAPIkey": <Google API key>
clone [number] [message] Duplicates an inputted message by the number specified.
number [number] Creates a random number between 1 and the inputted value.
remind [number] [message] Sends a reminder message after the inputted time(minutes) has passed. Put "-noAuthor" between the command and the number of minutes to only print the message without pinging the person who called this command.
coin Flips a coin.
cri [message] Converts English characters into Regional Indicator emojis. Type $crihelp for more information. If you want the message in an embed, please type "-embed" between the command and the message.
calc [number] [operator] [number] Calculates two numbers with an operator. See $calchelp for a list of operands.
mshrg Prints ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. This is useful for mobile discord users.
clap [message] Prints a 👏 for every space in the input string. (It does not include the space between the command and the message. If you want the message in an embed, please type "-embed" between the command and the message.
upload [keyCode] !Image! Upload an image to a public account on Imgur. If you don't want anyone else seeing the image, this is probably not the place to upload it.
getimg [keyCode] Retrieve an image stored on this database using a keycode. Keycode is case sensitive.
deleteimg [keyCode] Deletes an image associated with the keycode, provided that the image is owned by you. Will not delete the image if you are not the original poster.
randomimg Picks a random image from my database.
mask [targetUser] [message] Masks your message as the target user's message by sending an embedded message with the target user's name on it
play [youtubeLink/youtubeQuery] Streams audio from youtube and plays in the users VC Alternatively, if a stream is paused, and the user wants to resume, this can be called again without the youtube link Currently this function only supports single video links. Playlists are not supported as of yet
pause Pauses a stream in the same voice channel that the user is in. Does nothing if the user is not in the same channel
resume Resumes a paused stream
queue Lists all songs in playlist that has been currently setup in the current guild.
furiganaize (bottomtext = toptext)normaltext Puts text in the form of furigana. Specify the bottom section of the text and the top part of the text in the format above. Text not in brackets will be treated as bottom text without any top text applied.