This repository provides a tool to calibrate AGIPD detector geometry information
The tool can be seen as an alternative to the calibration mode of CrysFEL's hdfsee. The calibration can either be based on a starting geometry that needs to be refined or a completely new geometry. In the latter case the initial conditions for the geometry are defined so that all modules are 29px apart from each other.
The geometry calibration is supported by two modes of graphical user interfaces. A Qt-based and a jupyter notebook based interface.
It is recommended to use this Gui application through the pre-installed path on the on- and offline cluster.
source /gpfs/exfel/sw/software/modules
module load xfel
The following optional arguments can be set via the command line:
Argument | Description | |
-h, --help | ||
-nb, --notebook | Do not start gui, create a notebook | |
-no_kernel | Do not try to attempt creating a xfel notebook kernel | |
-nb_folder | nb_folder | Set default directory to save notebooks |
-nb_file | nb_file | Set file name of the notbook |
-r, --run | run_dir | The path name to a exp folder |
-g, --geometry | geomfile | Path to geometry file |
-c, --clen | clen | Detector distance [m] |
-e, --energy | energy | Photon energy [ev] |
-l, --level | min max | Display range for plotting |
If no run directory, using -r/--run
, option has been preselected a
directory can to be set by clicking the Run-dir button. Train id's can be
selected after a run has been selected. The user can either choose to display
images by pulses or if the signal is to week/noisy by applying a Maximum or
Mean across the entire train to all images.
To do so the user can just select the Max or Mean button
instead of the default Sel #. After an image number / function has been
selected the image can be assembled using the Assemble button.
Optionally a pre-defined geometry file can be loaded using the Load button.
After the image is displayed quadrants can be selected by clicking on them.
They can be moved by using the Ctrl+arrow-up/down/left/right
key combination. Circles that can help to align quadrants are added
by the Draw Helper Objects button. The radii of the circles an be adjusted
using the radius spin box in the top left.
Once the quadrants have been positioned a geometry file can be saved by using the Save button.
The -nb, --notebook flag creates a jupyter notebook uses the home direcory.
It is recommended to use the already setup application available in xfel's anaconda3 distirbution. All packages should be available via the xfel module. At the moment the module has to be activated by
$: module load exfel exfel_anaconda3
$: geoAssembler
The software is can be installed by pip:
$: pip install .
$: geoAssembler
If the user doesn't want or cannot use the xfel module and wants to install the tool the following python packages should be available:
- numpy
- cfelpyutils
- pyqtgraph
- matplotlib
- ipywidgets
- pyqt5
- pyFAI
Testing the implementation is done py pytest. To apply the test suite run
$: pytest -v geoAssembler/tests