Project to handle requests from malicious PoC of Dependency Confusion or Similar Name packages (in access.log). Also can be used to generate those packages (gem, npm, pip).
Will clone project, goto it's directory and install all requirements
git clone && cd Dependecer && pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] -s SSL [-i INTERFACE] [-p PORT] [-cn COMMON_NAME] [-c CERT_FILE] [-k KEY_FILE] [-poc POC_NAME] [-is]
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-s SSL, --ssl SSL
Enable SSL option, can be true or false if anything other than "True"
Interface's name where server will be started. Default is lo (localhost)
-p PORT, --port PORT
Change server port. Default is 449
-cn COMMON_NAME, --common_name COMMON_NAME
Common Name for the certificate. If this argument provided, will generate self-signed certificate
-c CERT_FILE, --cert_file CERT_FILE
Path to a public certificate file
-k KEY_FILE, --key_file KEY_FILE
Path to a private key file
-poc POC_NAME, --poc_name POC_NAME
Name of malicious package. Creates directory with malicious packages. Example: --poc android-x64
-is, --ignore_server
Don't start server that will handle connections. Can be useful when you create a lot of packages
Script will generate a file named access.log
after the first run and will wait for incoming connections to log it. Additionally, the directory certificates
will be created if the HTTPS method is specified. If you add --poc {poc_name}
, a directory will be created with subdirectories {poc_name}/npm
, {poc_name}/pip
, and {poc_name}/gem
Use existing certificates and secret key files, use interface wlan0, use port 449, use https communication. Also will generate malicious packages with "android-x64" name that communicates over https.
python3 -s True -c /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -k /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -i wlan0 -p 449 -poc android-x64
Generate self-signed certificate, use interface wlan0, use port 449, use https communications. Also generate malicious packages with "android-x64" name that communicates over https.
python3 -s True -cn -i wlan0 -p 449 -poc android-x64
Will generate malicious code that works over https, with wlan0 IP, 2222 port and "some" name. Server won't be running
python3 -s True -i wlan0 -p 2222 -poc some -is
Can cause security issues Use interface wlan0, use port 2222, use http communications. Also generate malicious packages with "android-x64" name that communicates over http.
python3 -s BLABLABLA -i wlan0 -p 2222 -poc android-x64
According to the code in, logging to the access.log file has these limitations:
- Packet name - up to 100 characters
- Hostname and username - up to 150 characters
- PWD - up to 500 characters
But if they will be exceeded, (at the same time correctly filled) the server will simply spit out data in json format to the console (they will be displayed if the script was for example run with nohup in nohup.out).
The author does not bear any responsibility for the actions of the user using this script. It is presented as a tutorial to demonstrate Dependency Confusion or Similar Name packages attacks (Supply Chain Vulnerabilities). You fully understand and accept this responsibility when using the project
Dependency Confusion: How I Hacked Into Apple, Microsoft and Dozens of Other Companies
A Road from Dependency Confusion to RCE
Malicious Python Packages and Code Execution via pip download
Ruby gem installations can expose you to lockfile injection attacks