From wav samples from the origional chip available at Origional Chip data sheet in Additional folder
You need two pins on the same slice (currently 14/15) I invert one so you can put a small speaker directly across them. Much better quality can be gained by using an amplifier and a simple filter.
All sound files are embedded in allophones.c as byte wide bitstreams. This make uploading them easy, plus as they are code, so they don't use any ram
Adjusted lengths have been calculated as the origionals are (mostly) longer then they aught to be. Actual lengths of the allophones are in allophonesize[] Adjusted play lengths are in allophonesizeCorrected[]
allophoneDefs.h contains the allophone names from the data sheet as an innumeration to make making lists of allophones easier.
Look through the origional data sheet. String together allophones. send them (with a length) to PlayAllophones Simple.... ish :)