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Player Analytics Client SDK Web

Part of Eyevinn Player Analytics Specification. To be used together with Eyevinn Player Analytics Eventsink

npm install @eyevinn/player-analytics-client-sdk-web


Automatic Event Listening

import { PlayerAnalyticsConnector } from "@eyevinn/player-analytics-client-sdk-web";

// Create your instance and set the analytics eventsink endpoint
const playerAnalytics = new PlayerAnalyticsConnector(

// Initiate the analytics with the base data needed
// This will create you session in the backend
try {
  await playerAnalytics.init({
    sessionId: "generated-unique-uuid-session-id",

  // Get your video element from the site, or your video player of choice
  const videoElement = document.querySelector("video");
  // Load the analytics library with the video element to fetch the events
} catch (err) {
  // Remove event listeners and heartbeat timers if init fails.

Due to bitrate changes not being reported, and errors not being reported in any descriptive way, there is a possibility to do separate calls for these events - which you may trigger based on you video player of choice following these examples.

  bitrate: 246.440, // bitrate in Kbps
  width: 320, // optional, video width in pixels
  height: 136, // optional, video height in pixels
  videoBitrate: 0, // optional, if available provide the bitrate for the video track
  audioBitrate: 0, // optional, if available provide the bitrate for the audio track
// error is fatal, i.e. sends an end event as well
  category: "", // optional, eg. NETWORK, DECODER, etc.
  code: "",
  message: "", // optional
  data: {}, // optional

// warning is not fatal
  category: "", // optional, eg. NETWORK, DECODER, etc.
  code: "",
  message: "", // optional
  data: {}, // optional
// when leaving the player, to stop the analytics in a correct manor

Manual Event Triggering

import { PlayerAnalytics } from "@eyevinn/player-analytics-client-sdk-web";

// Create your instance and set the analytics eventsink endpoint
const playerAnalytics = new PlayerAnalytics("");
await playerAnalytics.initiateAnalyticsReporter({
  sessionId: "generated-unique-uuid-session-id",
  contentId: "big-buck-bunny-720",

// then trigger the method calls accordingly, e.g.
const videoElement = document.querySelector("video");
videoElement.addEventListener("play", () => {
    event: "playing",
    playhead: 0,
    duration: 3600,
    sessionId: "generated-unique-uuid-session-id",

Report Metadata

You can report your metadata at a later stage in your code and tailor ther callbacks for your tech stach, for example when you have parsed your manifest. In this example we're using hls.js

import Hls from "hls.js";
import { PlayerAnalyticsConnector } from "@eyevinn/player-analytics-client-sdk-web";

// Create your instance and set the analytics eventsink endpoint
const playerAnalytics = new PlayerAnalytics("");
await playerAnalytics.initiateAnalyticsReporter({
  sessionId: "generated-unique-uuid-session-id",

const hls = new Hls();
const videoElement = document.querySelector("video");

hls.on(Hls.Events.LEVEL_LOADED, (event, data) => {
    live: data?.details?.level?.live,

These are the available keys for metadata, which can be sent anytime between a init and a stopped call.

export interface TMetadataEventPayload {
    live?: boolean;
    contentTitle?: string;
    contentId?: string;
    contentUrl?: string;
    drmType?: string;
    userId?: string;
    deviceId?: string;
    deviceModel?: string;
    deviceType?: string;

Constructor parameters

These applies to both the PlayerAnalyticsConnector and PlayerAnalytics.

  • eventsinkUrl, the url to your event sink.
  • debug, default false, triggers output to dev console rather than actual http posts.

Init parameters

export interface IPlayerAnalyticsInitOptions {
  sessionId?: string; // should be generated by the backend if not sent in
  hearbeatInterval?: number; //Defaults to 30_000 (ms)


Run the demo page by npm start


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