In respond the help call launched by Dr Boulaymen Ilyes of Ben Arous hospital, engineering students from the ENIT and ENIM are voluntarily mobilizing to manufacture protective masks, using 3D printing techniques, by putting all the 3D printers available in Tunis at the service of this action. **FABLAB ENIT ** and the engineering students will use their printers to make this action a complete success.
The mask designed by engineering students is a 3D printed face shield, to be placed over a conventional surgical mask. It protects the eyes and blocks the spread of microbes and germs.
This face shield is a very effective and safe way to protect the ones who use it, especially the medical staff, from the contamination danger . This shield is designed to be placed over a conventional surgical mask. It protects the eyes and blocks the spread of microbes and germs This means that this mask is very useful to prevent the person from touching their face with the unconscious gestures .
What we have focused on is a protective face shield for medical professionals. We were notified on Facebook that doctors are in great need of face shields and that there is already a great design online. Based on Prusa prototype and ** ENISO ** prototype, We decided to adjust a new model for easier and faster 3D printing, so we did a combination between the two designs. there shouldn’t be any supports required and we should fit as many of them onto a single print sheet as possible. These shields will help protect their eyes and face from coughing and sneezing of their patients.
The design is only on simple printed part, it took only 1h 35min to be printed, it's fast and easy for assembly with no screws or metal parts needed to fix the system.
Material: PLA
Print Time: 1h 12min
Nozzle diameter: 0.4 mm
LayerHeight: 0.25 mm
Top Layers: 4 Layers
Bottom Layers: 4 Layers
Infill: 10%-15%
Default Speed: 60 mm/s
**Download: ** Link
**Download: ** Link
The development of the protection shiled was modeled and made in a vouluntary action by engineering students and the help of many doctors.
and the fabrication of th model was done thanks to the 3d printing network in Tunis.
The design is licensed under a Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale 4.0 International.
We share these files under non-commerical licence. It would be great if you donated these shields to those in need for free. If you need to cover your production costs, we are ok with you selling the shields for production cost.
This documentation will be continuously improved as soon there are updates for doctors needs.